20. Walls

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•I've got your back, now let's run away•
Carmin's pov
I opened my eyes to the hospital room's ceiling. I started breathing quickly an heavily because there was some sort if mask still on my face.
The mask was lifted off my face and I sat up, breathing in fresh air. I look to my right and see Chandler standing over my bed. He had dried tear stains on his cheeks.
"Chandler? Babe? What's wrong?" I ask.
"I fucking told you Carmin. It's him. Apparently he's been keeping tabs on you too. He knew exactly where we were from, where we're going, and who we are." Chandler said. His tone sounded angry but his eyes told me that he wasn't.
"You were right. They're playing mind games. We have to win, okay?" I say. He takes my hands in his .
"We will." Chandler says.
"C'mon Sam and Jane are waiting at the hotel." He says. I nod and stand up.

We get to the car and turn on the radio. Out of the Woods starts playing. Already half way through the song.
"Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
In the clear yet, good.
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches and a hospital room.
When you started crying baby I did too.
When the sun came up I was looking at you.
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out I said I'm setting you free.
But the monsters turned out to be just trees.
When the sun came up you were looking at me.
You were looking at m-"
I hit the button to turn off the radio. I didn't want to hear that song. Not now. It was our song. But it wasn't exactly our night.
I sat back in the seat and folded my arms.
"Wanna go get ice cream?" Chandler asked.
"Let's go to McDonalds and get ice cream."
I nodded and agreed.
He's pulls in and asks for a vanilla and chocolate cone. It was like three dollars or something.
"Here I've got it." I say, reaching into my bag.
"No." He says waiting in the drive thru line.
"Chandler, you pay for everything I've got this." I say.
He sighs and looks at me.
"Are you sure? I mean...Im the guy I'm supposed to pay for things." He says about to take his wallet out.
"Chandler...don't be a sexist bastard. We've been together for almost a year now. Let me but you an ice cream cone." I say smiling. He just rolls his eyes.
"Fine." He says.
I pull out four dollars and hand it to the person at the window.
We sit in the parking lot for almost an hour just talking and eating our ice cream.
"I'm serious! When I was little I was convinced I would be a pop star!" Chandler laughed.
"Maybe you were always 'mentally unwell.'" I say using air quotes. He smile at me. I love times like this, where we can just sit and laugh. But somehow something always ruins it.
"What's on the wrapper of your ice cream?" I ask. He gives me a confused look.
I see the edge folded over with an arrow pointing to the back side.
I peel off the paper off his come and read.
'Hope you get better.
This ice cream should help.
I'll see you soon.
Down here, in hell"
At this point I'm very confused.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. I handed Chandler the small piece of paper.
"I'm not sure. It sounds like they think you're going to die soon." He says.
"Or they're going to try and kill me."
Chandler nods and throws the left over ice cream out the window as do I.
We pull out and drive to the hotel that Sam and Jane were at. They texted me the room number as we walked through the glass doors.
Room 99.
We walk down the first hall until we find it. I walk in the see Sam on one of the beds and Jane sitting in the chair by the window.
"Hey guys." I say sitting on the other bed. Chandler coming and sitting next to me.
"What took you guys so long?" Jane asked.
"Oh we went and got ice cream." I say with a shrug.
"Yeah..about that. Carmin I don't feel so good." Chandler said before running to the bathroom.
"God damnit." I say getting up, expecting to see him sticking his finger down his throat. But he wasn't he just naturally threw up all he's eaten today. Something is wrong.
I sit behind him and rub his back.
"Just bring it up baby." I say. He finishes after a couple minutes.
I lift his head and see tears streaming down his face.
"W-What's wrong?." I ask, looking at his red eyes.
"It hurts. My throat it-" Chandler said as a new set of tears came down his face.
"Ssshh, it's probably just the stomach acid." I say pulling him into a hug. He doesn't usually cry over stuff like this.
I look over his shoulder, into the toilet. I see vomit and...a few droplets of blood.
"How about you go to bed? I need to call someone." I say pulling away from the hug. He nodded and stood up from the floor.
After the door closed I dialed his doctors office. I had to leave a voicemail because it was late.
"Hi, this is Carmin Lassiter. I'm calling for Chandler Riggs. He has just vomited and some blood came up with it and I just wanted to see if it was anything to worry about or if I should bring him in. Call me back as soon as you can please. Thanks you!" I says before hanging up the phone. I sit for a few moments and decide I should call the local hospital that should still be open because if the emergency room.
After two rings someone answer.
"Downview Emergency Center how may I help you?"
"Hi, my boyfriend just threw up and when he did there was some blood with it. Is this something I should worry about?" I ask.
"How much blood was in it?"
"Just a few small drops."
"Well I'll ask the doctor and call you back if he says different but, I say just let him have a night of sleep and he should be fine. If he's still having trouble when he wakes up, you can bring him in tomorrow morning." The girl says through the phone.
"Okay thank you so much." I say before hanging up. I walk out and see Sam and Jane cuddled up in one bed, watching a movie. I see Chandler laying on his side, facing the wall away from them.
I climb in behind him, wrapping my arms around him. He seems really tense.
"I love you. You know that right?" I say, leaning my head against his back.
"I love you more. And yes I know." Chandler says. I listen to his quick heart rate and I begin to draw circles on his stomach, under his I shirt. He stops breathing so fast and seems to calm down about whatever he was stressing about.
"Is everyone ready to go to sleep?" Sam says with a yawn. I say yes and Chandler nods, taking his shirt off.
The lights go out as does the television. I put my leg on top of Chandler and kiss his shoulder blade. I feel him bury his back into me more. I smile and fall asleep.

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