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Out of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most•
Chandler's pov
I sit out in the waiting room crying with Sam.
"What if she's gone Sam? What am I going to do?" I ask in a whisper. I hear him sigh.
"I don't know bud. What are any of us going to do?" He says. I burst into tears again. Sam wraps his arm around my shoulders, bringing me into him.
I soak the shoulder of his shirt with my tears. I sniff and breathe out shakily.
"Hey Sam?" I ask. He looks down at me and raises and eyebrow.
"Thanks for being my best friend."
3 days later
"C'mon Chandler you can't just wait around here you have to get out of this room." Sam said, as I sat by Carmin's bedside.
"No I'm okay. I'm just going to look out the window until she wakes up." I say seriously.
Sam sat down by me.
"You know what's great about windows? There's a world outside, and you can walk on it and stare at all the cool things there are." He says as if I were a child.
"You know what Sam? I don't want a fucking world without Carmin. " I growl at him.
"Chandler she's going to be fine, the doctor said so..." Jane says quietly from the doorway.
"I don't care what the doctor said!" I yell. "What if she's not okay and something goes wrong and nobody's here to help her huh?" I stood up.
"Go enjoy your perfect little fucking world. But don't expect me to."I say, sitting next to Carmin.
"Okay Chandler...you really need to get out of here. Even the doctors think so." Sam sighed.
"What? Why? They said Carmin was just recovering and-.'I began.
"Carmin isn't the worry anymore Chandler. You are." He said.
"Well I'm worried about Carmin okay? I almost lost her. So I'm just going to sit here and wait till she wakes up. Because that's what I need to do. So you go and do what's best for you, but I'm staying here alright?" I say like a madman.
Sam just sighed and nodded and grabbed Jane's hand before walking out. Wait.....are they a thing now? Woah...okay.
I looked outside the window and the sunlight blinded me, so I shut the curtain.
I grabbed Carmin's hand.
"Why'd you try to leave me?" I ask,while the millionth tear I've cried this weekend rolled down my cheek.
After an hour I decided to finally leave to go get food and one of the doctors stopped me.
"Ah, Mr.Riggs." He said.
"That would be me...what do you need?" I ask cautiously.
"Nothing, I've just heard a lot about you from the other doctors and nurses." He said with that strange smile everyone at this hospital seems to have.
"Like?" I ask with a gulp.
"That you haven't left one of our patients bedsides in three days, Carmin is very important to you, yes?" He asks. I nod in response.
"Nice meeting you Mr.Riggs." He said shaking my hand.
"Uh-Huh." I say before walking out.
Carmin's pov
I wake up in a room that's not mine with about 20 stitches in my arm. I see a nurse fixing a bag of something with clear liquid in it.
She turns around and sees I'm awake.
"Oh good, you're awake."She said.
"What happened?" I ask before she can leave.
"I'll leave that to someone else." She answers.
I look down at my hands. Well this sucks.
She sighed.
"Thank god you woke up when you did. Mr.Riggs doesn't like it much here without you." She says.
"Can I see him?" I ask shakily.
She nods and before saying something else.
"Oh and someone dropped this off for you." She hands me an envelope.
I open it quickly when she leaves.
'Oh how this is depressing.
Chandler wouldn't let you go.
You'll soon find out the answers.
To all you'd like to know'
I don't understand.
It's not Chandler.
I start smiling uncontrollably.
But now I have to know who this son of a bitch is. Just at that moment Chandler busted through the door, and basically jumped on top of me.
"I love you so fucking much don't ever try to leave me again." He says with his arms wrapped around me.
"I won't baby...I won't." I whisper into his hair, kissing the side of his head.
He grabbed the letter out of my hands and read it.
"Who the flying fuck is this?"He asks.
"I don't know yet, but they've been blackmailing me to do bad things for months and been watching me for years." I sigh.
"How many years?" Chandler asking raising one eyebrow.
"Since I was thirteen." I say.
"And you have no idea who this person is?" He asks.
"I've had many suspects but everytime I think I know, something proves me wrong. Like I used to think Sam had something to do with it but I later found out he was being blackmailed too, but he only got a letter once. And all it said was to make my life a living hell basically."I shrug.
"But that's all stopped right?" Chandler asked with fire in his eyes.
"Now." I say giving him a smile telling him it was okay.
"Who else have your suspects been?" He asks.
"It doesn't matter. They're all just failed trials now, but this bitch wants me to know something." I say folding the letter and standing up.
"And I intend on finding out what it is."I add. As soon as I said that my legs got shaky and I grabbed Chandlers arm.
"Hey take it easy bab-" He starts.
"Can I just-ugh, can I just have cool line like c'mon." I say.
"I know, I know." He says, helping me back into the bed.
He smiles at me and looks into my eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead.
We had finally gotten home, well school. I sat on the bed. My bed. Our bed.
I saw Chandler immediately run to the computer.
"Whatcha doing there?"I ask.
"Maybe the stalking has happen to someone else." He says with his fingers flying across the keyboard.
"A lot of people have been stalked." I say.
"Not like this." He says.
I just shake my head and go to the kitchen. I start making lunch for the both of us and put it on plates. I go to give it to him and see he's still on the computer.
"You're still messing with that thing?" I ask, setting down his sandwhich in front of him.
"Yeah I found that other people have gotten letters and been blackmailed like this but I nobody's letters ever finished...besides one persons." He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Who?" I ask
"He has an office...his name is Dr. Jenkins." Chandler said.
"Can we go?" I ask.
"It's in Michigan." He said.
"That's only about 14 hours." I say.
"I guess we're going to Michigan." He says.
So this was just a little filler chapter but the next chapter is going to be hella fun, I promise.
Love you madly,

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