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They saw the people who they didn't want to see in their whole life there ex mom and her daughter
Yn:oppa who are they
Tae:baby no-
Illa:hi oppa
She said in cute voice which was disgusting.
Jk:we are not your oppas
Illa:why are you saying that
She said making fake sad pout looking all duck
Yn:oppa dont be rude, hi unnie
She just roll her eyes
(I will use mrs Jung for their ex mom)
Mrs jung:miss me sons
Mr kim:what are you doing here huh!!!
Mr kim arrived at the seen with mrs moon
Yn quickly run to her mom and ask
Yn:who are they mom?
Mrs moon:baby they are your dad's EX wife and daughter
Yn made a o face and suddenly she remember what her dad said to her
mrs jung:I am here to get back you baby.
Mrs moon:not in your this life
Mrs Jung:but you to kim
She laughed evily
Mrs jung:remember we aren't divorced.
Mr kim:wha-
Mrs moon:is it true honey
Mr kim just nodded. Mrs moon sigh and said:you only want to live with us and you are guest of OUR HOUSE so be in your limits and get out when you will get divorced.
Mr kim was shocked but understand what her wife means. She understands what she meant but if she didn't let her stay she would probably throw a case on them so in order to prevent them she chooses this yes they were mafias but only she knows not yn. But cant reveal themselves.
With that the elders left from there. Now siblings and illa were left. She walked like a queen and sat on the sofa they ignore her and started there siblings time.
Jin:princess? Wanna go around
She jumped like a kid
Yn:oppa!!!! who's chair is this
Jin:its mine
Yn:wow oppa it's looking comfortable can I sit
Illa:*scoffs* like they will let you
Jin:you can baby
Illa:oppa you never let me sit
She whine
Jin:dont call me oppa
He said in cold tone. She roll her eyes and started doing something on her phone.
Yn immediately sat on the chair and started acting like boss.
Yn:kim jungkook bring me 50 chocolates and dont let mom know about it.
Jk:sorry but it will damage your teeth so I will bring you 5 chocolates everyday deal?
everyone chuckled and suga squeeze
Illa:oppa I also want pastry
Jimin:you will get fat
And everyone laughed.
Yn:oppa that's rude
Jimin:okok baby.
Tae:wanna see around come fast or I am going.
He started walking towards gate
Yn:aishh oppaaaa!!!
She run behind him
Yn:oppa stop
She said panting
Yn:piggy back ride you made me run .
Tae:aish come
He bent down and she jumped on his back and they both started walking.
They both were done roaming around and yn was in mr kim room office mrs moon was in her company in meeting.
Yn:dada how much work do you do
She said when she notice piles of papers.
Mr kim just chuckled and again drown in his work . Yn decided to give him massage
Yn:wait let me give you massage ok?
Mr kim nodded. She started massaging his shoulder. Just then door burst open and their illa standing with a mug
Illa:dad you must be tired drink this black coffee
Mr kim just looked at her blankly
Mr kim: it's ok I have my daughter
Illa:this b*tch
Yn:dada calm down she said hugging from behind
Mr kim:ok baby.
Yn:now leave this lets have father daughter time
Illa left angrily.
Mr kim chuckled
Mr Kim:wanna sit here
She immediately sat and spun around mr kim was blessed having them as his daughter and wife who doesn't judge them by their past but he know he is going to sleep on couch and and get scolded.

To be countinue............

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