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They all went to mrs.moon
Mrs.moon: yes?
Yn: mom who is that someone special??
Mrs.moon: it's someone you know
Jimin: but who?
Mrs.moon: me! I'm that someone special! Those snacks where for me to eat...I hid them so that you guys don't finish them and I can have them all on my own.
Jin: what?!
Mrs.moon: hehe
Mr.Kim: honey....I have booked a resort for us for our vacation.
Yn: which resort!?
Mr.Kim: a 7 star resort for my princess
Yn: really? Thank you dada
Yn: we are going to stay in a 7 star resort~!!
Jimin: but where exactly are we going?
Mrs.moon: to Maldives
Jk: Maldives!! Yes!!
Rm: it is so peaceful and calm...a perfect place to sit down and read books!
Jin: and it has the best seafood !
Jk: yes...I wanna try them fast!!
Jimin: there are going to be so many ladies to flirt with- I..yay!
Tae: yes! I heard the resort has many new versions of video games!
Suga: and a really comfy and quite to have a great sleep.
Hobi: and lots of sunshine and colours.
Yn: it's going to be amazing! Thank you dada!
Mr.moon: ok now children..go and start packing your stuff.
BTS and yn: ok!
With that they went in their rooms and started to pack stuff.
Yn: mommy! Can we bring those new clothes we bought!?
She shouted from her room
Mrs.moon: yes dear! Pack all your new clothes!
She replied shouting back
Jk: mom! Can I bring some games!?
Mrs.moon: no baby! They'll not let you get through the airport with can rent some to play there.!
Jk: Okie!
Rm: how many books am I allowed to bring!?
Mr.Kim: 5!
Rm: only 5!? How am I supposed to pick 5 out of those 20 books I bought yesterday to read?
Jin: can I bring my own sauces?
Mrs.moon: what are you going to do bringing them?
Mr.Kim: no!
Jin: *pouts* ok
Tae: mom! Dad! Suga hyung is sleeping!
Mr.Kim: it's ok....I'll pack his stuff.
They packed all of their stuff.
Yn: oh..finally! I'm so tired!
Mrs.moon: why are you tired? You don't even do anything!
Jimin: when is our flight?
Mr.Kim: at night...5 am
Suga: what!?I will have to wake up at 2 at night and disturb my sleep!? No way!
Jk: fine hyung...then don't go. if you want to go then you have to wake up 2 otherwise don't go.
Suga: fine!
Mrs.moon: ok now if you want go to then you have sleep right go and sleep babies.
Bts and yn: ok mom!
They all went to bed.
Time skip
At 2 am
Yn: wake up everybody !!!!
She shouted.
Yn: wake up mom! Dada wake up fast!!!
Oppas!!! Wake up!!! It's 2 am !! We have flight to catch!! Wake up!! WAKE UP oppas!!! good morning princess!
Yn: good morning dada!
Mrs.moon: good morning baby!
Yn: good morning mommy!
Jk: I'm awake!
Jimin: me too!
Rm: she is really heavy...wake up everybody!!
Jin: I'm awake!
Tae: me too...
Hobi: mmmm....I'm awake too
Yn: suga oppa here I come!
She climbed on suga and started waking him up.
Yn: oppa!!!
Suga: hm hmm...I'm awake.
Yn: lets get ready...we have flight to catch!

To be continued....

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