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Then yn saw her mother's new addition pink glitter slippers and she grabbed them and ran at the speed of lightening.
Yn:aha! this is good!
That slipper was also eagerly waiting to be smacked on someone's back.
Everyone was running and shouting and mr.Kim and mrs.moon were just laughing.
Jimin: mom! Dad! Don't just stand there! Help us!!
Jin: yeah! Save us! I'm too handsome to be beaten up!
Jimin: just shut up and run! She is fast!!
Jk:save me!!
And yes everyone got beaten up. How would yn leave anyone of them.
At last everyone got beaten up and now they were all in the line to get treated with ointments😜.
Yn: come are hurt...let me treat you.
Jk: you are the one who did this
Jimin: her duality!
Namjoon: save me!
Yn: don't run oppa...I'm not going to beat you.
Jin: but you just did. Oww!
Hobi: you also beat this beautiful sunshine! I'm not coming to you.
Ever came in a line hearing her shout.
Yn was applying the ointment.
Jk: it hurts!
Yn: you deserve it!
Jk: OW!
And she treated everyone like this for like half an hour.
Yn: now I'm tired!
Suga: me too! Bye! I'm going to sleep.
Yn: oppa no! You weren't supposed to sleep..did you forget your punishment?
Suga: haven't I had enough!?
Yn:ok fine.
Mrs.moon: first have lunch all of you.
Everyone : ok!
Jk: I officially announce that I now have a phobia of ice creams.
Everyone laughed.
They had lunch and took a rest.
Time skip
In evening
Yn: oppas let's go to the park..pleasue
Jk: no! There are a lot of ice cream sellers there.
Yn: we won't have ice cream ok?
Jimin: promise?
Yn: promise
Hobi: you'll not beat us again right?
Yn: shall we?
Bts: ok!
They head to the park.
At park
Yn and BTS were playing with little kids who were there when someone tapped yn's shoulder.
??: hi yn! Im jungsoo.
Yn: I know you?
Jungsoo: I'm.....
Yn got shivers as soon as she heard that. She stood still.
Jungsoo: how are you?
Yn was not able to speak.
BTS were watching from far. They thought that he was just someone yn made friends with as she is really friendly. But they noticed that yn's face went blank and she wasn't speaking anything. So they went there.
Jk: hi! So you made a new friend yn.
Jungsoo: hi! I'm jungsoo.
Namjoon: hi jungsoo....nice to meet you.I'm namjoon.
Jimin: I'm Jimin.
Jk: I'm jungkook.
Hobi: I'm hoseok.
Jin: I'm seokjin.
Suga: I'm yoongi.
Tae: I'm taehyung and we all are yn's brothers.
Jungsoo: oh..nice to meet you all.
Jin: shall we go...we're getting late.
Jimin: bye jungsoo. Hope to see you again soon.
They dragged yn from there and sat in their car.
Hobi: yn...who was he?
Yn: he...he-..
Suga: here...drink water first.
Yn drank the water.
Hobi: now tell us..who was he?
Yn: he is.....

To be continued.......

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