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yn was now in Korea she was jumping here and there but soon stop because of paparazzi bodyguards were help her to get out from there and she soon sat in car.
Yn:what was that.
She mubbled.
Yn:oppa when are we going to reach
Bg1:in 30 minutes.
She said with a pout and Bg1 chuckled.
yn was standing infront of her house she greeted everyone all were surprised and happy too. Soon she reached the door and rang the bell.after sometimes someone opened the door and it was Mrs moon. She was surprised and shocked too.
She jumped on her everyone came downstairs. Including a unknown old couple.all the kim brothers except tae and Mr kim were surprised.
Mr kim: princess.
Yn run to them and hugged them tightly one by one.and lastly Mr kim.
Yn:dada missed you.
She kissed his cheeks.
Mr kim:I missed you too
His eyes were teary.yn was pulled jk in a warm tight hug.he started sobbing.
Jk:yn-ahh I missed you so much now you will be here right.
Yn:yes oppa don't cry.and see now I am 18 and more beautiful.
Mrs moon:yes because you are my daughter.
Everyone chuckled.but
???:may I know who is this seojoon.
Mr kim:ahh dad she is my daughter yn
She bowed.
Grandma:so whoo bin also have a daughter.
Mr kim: y-yes.
Grandpa: countinue with your work I bet she is also useless.
He mubbled last line which was enough for Mr kim to hear he clenched his fist but didn't say anything because he was his father.the old couple left
Yn:where is tae oppa.
Rm:in room
He said.
Yn:ok I will go there
She ran from there.
Mrs moon:I will make her fav. Food today.
Jin:I will also help.
They headed towards kitchen.
Yn soon reached tae room and burst open the door tae flinched but got surprised to see yn
His eyes were teary
Yn ran to him and hugged him tightly sitting on his lap still hugging like koala.
Tae:I missed you bear.
Yn:oppa missed you too.
Tae started sobbing burying his face in her neck.yn caressed his hairs in order calm him down.
Yn:oppa shh don't cry.
Tae:yniee I love you
Yn:love you too oppa.
He stopped crying.
Tae:from now on you will sleep with me and no buts-
Jk: excuse me she will sleep with me.
He came out of nowhere.
They started fighting.
Yn:ok I will sleep with you both.happy.
Jk:very much now let's eat dinner.
She was about to step down but jk lift her.
Jk:I will pick you up my princess.
Yn just laughed.
They headed down stairs. Everyone were seated there but quite.
Yn:why everyone are quite.
Tae: grandpa and grandma are here that's why.
Jk:and need to shut that pretty mouth of yours .
Yn:yeah yeah.
She laughed silently.soon they reached dinning table yn jumped from jk arms and sat on her favourite seat.which was between hobi and jimin.jimin smiled at her and hobi side hug her.
Soon they started eating.
Yn:why these rules ahh.
She whispered whining.
Jimin:stop whining piggy if you want to eat your food.
She immediately stop and ate her food quietly.
Grandma:I want namjoon and yn in our room to massage our legs.
Yn:sure grandma.
She chirped. But grandma just rolled her eyes
everyone were done eating and Mr kim was worried was yn.
Mr kim:what if she say something.
Mrs moon:don't worry she is yn. Hmm and joonie is also there right.
Mr kim: yeah

Here yn and rm were massaging there grandparents.
Grandma:yah yn do it properly.
Yn:sorry grandma but it's just my first time.
Grandpa:what do you mean by first time huh!! So disrespectful.what did your mother taught you.
Yn was now fuming in anger and she don't see who is infront of her.
Yn: sorry to say but my mother is better then my dada's mom.
Grandma:how dare you.
She hold her arms rm tried to stop her but couldn't grandpa followed them.soon they reached living room and Mr kim and mrs moon were shocked.
Grandma:so what did you taught your daughter.
Yn:it's hurting
Mr kim was now furious all the brothers came downstairs there eyes got red seeing how their princess was struggling.
Mr kim:leave her hand
He said in dangerous voice.
Grandpa:so now you will go against us huh! We gave you money so that you can live.
He Breathed heavily
Mr Kim:now leave her hands.
he made grandma leave yn's hand she was about to cry because of her Mr Kim had to shout at his mother.
Grandpa:so now you will misbehave with your grandma for this weak girl.
Tae:she is not weak she is RESPECTFUL.she didn't want to misbehave with you all.
Jimin:she will never be weak.
Grandpa:oh! My grandsons-
Hobi:did you ever accepted us as your grandson.
Grandpa:what are you saying son I loved you all but-
Jin:you loved us but except tae and Suga why so.
Grandpa: because they don't deserve it.

To be continued......

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