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right now everyone is present in living room and jk and yn are standing infront of their parents.they are glaring at them.
Mr kim:mind explaining
Mrs jung and illa were out maybe slutting around. Yn was now on verge of crying because she was a average student who score 60% to 70% whereas jk was so busy in business work that he didn't get time to study like that but he once want to make his father proud.
Mrs moon:mind explaining how did you get this much marks my children
There face lit seeing there parents smilling faces
Mr kim:I am proud of you both you both did great and about clowning enjoy your teenage.
Jk always want to listen that word from his father but his father only shows affection secretly. He hug his dad and said
Jk:thank you dad
Mr kim just awkwardly pat his back
Mrs moon:come here my son
He hug his mom
Yn:jin oppaaaa see I am left over let me hug I love you oppa I am proud of you are so lucky that you got a bootiful sister.
Jin:my sistah come here
They hug each other dramatically
Rm:hobi hyung lete hug you
Jhope:come here broo~~
Tae:don't even think
Jimin then goes to Suga
Suga:dare to touch me.
Jimin:no one loves me
He started fake cry
Yn:oppa yniee loves you
She hugged him and laughed
Mr moon:stop you all are so dramatic.
She pouted 
Mr kim:come here princess
She hugged him tight
Mr kim:so what my daughter wants
Yn:I want-
Mrs moon:you will get your phone when you are 16
Yn:means in 3 months woah!!!, Now I want ummmmm.... Ahh yes I want suprise.
Mr kim:ok done.
Mrs moon:and yn your cousins are coming
Yn:what!!why??they both are like rich spoiled brat even tho they are not that rich
Mrs moon:yn she is elder than you
Yn:but-ok fine but I will only greet them nothing else or they will be dead by my hands.
Mr kim:ok so boys you have work except tae. Ok
Jin:yes dad let's go get ready
Jk:yeah yeah
He rolled his eyes
Yn: I will play with tae oppa let's go oppaaaa
Tae:ok bear come here
He put his hands under her armpits and picked her up
Mrs moon:ok we are going
Tae:you are screaming in my ears
Yn:hehe sorry
Tae:khaja and byee hyung,kook,mom and dad
Mrs moon:bye baby
Tae felt his heart warmed by how Mrs moon call her 'baby'. He just smiled as a cold and not showing affection person he can just smile.
Yn:oppas and momma dada byeee
They all bid there good bye and left
Tae:baby oppa has work ok you can be with me in the office but don't touch anything ok
Yn:okayyyy oppa
She said while resting her head on tae shoulder
Soon they reached his home office and tae started doing his work and yn was playing games in his phone afterall her favourite phone was her tae oppa's phone.
  Yn:oppa I am bored~
Tae: come here
He said while his eyes were fixed on computer screen.
Yn goes near him ad he pulled her on his lap
Yn:wae oppa?
Tae:learn some work it will help
Yn:but I want to become a doctor
Tae:that's not a problem you can be but u also need to help in our business.
She said understanding
Yn:but oppa what are you doing
Tae:it's called coding
Then tae started to teach her and yn was listening carefully.
yn:woah oppa I made a game
She said while jumping around
yn:oppa I am sleepy
Tae: it's 4 now,ok let's go to my room ok??
He smile and picked her up and heads toward his room.
Soon they reached there lay down
Yn put her legs around his and snuggle in his chest.he also wrap his arms and legs around her securing her fully and they both went to there Dreamland

To be countinue...................

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