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Yn turned around and walked away.
Now it's the time where we have to leave our family mom always prepared me for this.and I am. I don't how oppa will do especially tae oppa he is in depression what if he fall harder.but he promised.
Yn:oppa promise you won't go in depression and if you feel down call me I will always be there but please don't hurt yourself.
Tae:I promise bear. Now let's sleep.
Tae cuddled her whole night hugging her tight like he don't want to loose her.
Flashback end
I sighed yn you are your dada princess and dada always taught you not to be sad
Smile.i closed my eyes and drift to Dreamland.
I reached at the airport there were bodyguards already carrying my luggage idk how will I survive in this new country that's why dada send my favourite maid I always see her as my sister.he said she is at home.i sat in my car and driver uncle drove off.
Soon I reached my home it was small but my taste dada realy know whats my favourite.

Soon I reached my home it was small but my taste dada realy know whats my favourite

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I should go inside. I saw Lina unnie.
I hugged her she also hugged me back.
Lina:call master them freshen up.
Yn:oh yeah
I immediately call dada.he picked the call in one ring.
Yn:dada I reached.
Mr kim:did you like the home.
Yn:yes dada so much thank you.
Mr kim:ok freshen up and sleep you have your school tomorrow.
Yn:ok byee
Mr kim:byee.
He cutted the call I got freshen up and wore this

He cutted the call I got freshen up and wore this

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I jumped on my bed and slept

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I jumped on my bed and slept.
I woke by unnie voice calling me.
Yn:I am awake
Unnie:good now take bath
Oh yeah it's new day I should call oppas.i immediately called them and picked up the phone.
Yn:good morning.
All:good morning baby.
Jin:are you feeling alone.
Yn:no I am not because dada send my driver uncle and unnie so I am Happy but I am missing you.
Rm:it's ok baby just two years
I talked a bit to them and cutted the call as it was getting.
I am very nervous. What if anyone didn't like me- my thoughts were cutted by a phone call it was Suga oppa.
Yn:yes oppa.
Suga: baby ik you are nervous and always remember you are not born with a certificate of your characteristics ok if anything happens call me immediately.
Yn:ne oppa
Tae:and bear don't be sad you are kim princess just hold your necklace when you feel nervous or scared.
Yn:yes oppa I love you byeee.
Suga:bye and wear your cap.
I quickly freshen up and change into this

I went downstairs and unnie already prepared my breakfast

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I went downstairs and unnie already prepared my breakfast.
Yn: thank you unnie!
Unnie: remember....relax and just do it ok?
Yn: yes!
She quickly ate her breakfast.
Yn: bye unnie!
Unnie: byee! Hwaiting!
Yn: thanks unnie!
She went in her car and headed to her school.
Driver: Hwaiting yn!
Yn: thank you! Byee
Driver: bye
She stood in front of the school and spoke to herself.
Yn: I can do it! Yes!
With that she went inside.
Teacher1: hello! You look like a new student...let me help you.
Yn: t-thankyou. *she nervously smiled*
She followed the teacher.
Teacher1: so...may I know your name please?
Yn: I'm yn.
Teacher1: oh..Yn..the daughter of right?
Yn: uh...yes.
Teacher1: follow me.
She took her to the principal's room.
Teacher1: sir...she is yn.
Principal: oh yn come in.
She went inside.
Principal: so..let me give you your schedule. Here you go. And teacher1 will escort you to your class.
Yn: thank you
She followed the teacher to a classroom.
Teacher1: class...may I have your attention! Ok she is a new student..she's here from Korea. Please introduce yourself.
Yn: hi! I'm yn. And I'm from Korea. Plase treat me well. Thank you.
Teacher1: ok yn...take a seat beside Lia.
Yn: ok
She sat beside Lia...the girl who is....

To be continued......

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