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Yn kicked jaeyoon and pinched him and they both left. When they were away from scene. Yn suddenly started whining moving her hands.
Yn:oppa it's hurt did I punched him hard.
Tae:let me see baby
He said hurriedly getting closer to her.
Yn:oppa it's paining
Hearing her whining all bts members also reach there.
Jk:baby what happened to you are you ok?
Tae told them everything.they were fuming but also proud that their sister didn't act weak even though she was fragile against jaeyoon but she decided to act strong.
Jin: tae  your knuckles.
Yn:omg oppa your knuckles.
She immediately take his hands in her forgotting about her pain and started observing.
Yn:oppa I told you if anything happens like this you need to tell me right what if jin oppa didn't said it aloud you will be bearing this pain why are you all like this and rm oppa,jimin oppa and hobi oppa why did you all fight today you think I don't know about it
He said looking down like a child do.tae jimin hobi were also listening her like child is getting scolded by thier mom.they all were pouting

they all were pouting

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Yn:now why you all are making that faces come I will treat you

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Yn:now why you all are making that faces come I will treat you.
They all follow her quietly. Yn was still scolding them
Jimin:damn she is is the secont person who is scolding us
Jk:first is jin hyung
They reach nurse room and yn started treating them


Yn:it's done now and hobi oppa you don't have to use your hand ok and namjoon try to walk less
Jk:she is definitely going to be doctor
Yn: yes I am going to ok now ICE CREAM!!!
tae:aish this girl ok let's go.
Yn:but my legs hurt
Jin:come here let me pick you
He picked her u and they started walking towards limo
yn was telling them how she made that deep scare on his cheeks and how she kicked him .
Jk:my baby is strong.
Soon they reached home. When they entered living room they saw two unknown were sitting yn knows that they were her aunt and cousin.
Yn quickly bowed
Yn:hello auntie
Mr kim and kim brothers doesn't like it that their princess was bowing someone. Mrs moon was not home yet and Mr kim was working in his office.
Yn:dad!! I missed you
(I will use Mrs Choi for aunt and Anna for your cousin)
Mrs Choi:psst no manners her guest are sitting you ignore us you didn't even ask for water this is what your mom taught you.
Yn:but you are-
Anna:yn we are older than you.
Suga: excuse-
??:oh you are here to insult my daughter
Mr kim got hint that he can say anything to them he was quite because he don't want Mrs moon to be disappointed.
Mr kim:so you have guts to scold Kim's princess
Anna:k-im princess
Mr kim: yes dare to insult her
Jin:she is our sister
Anna:but she is just a slut dady if you want you can use me
She said in seductive voice
(Self respect left the chat)
Yn:he is only 1 year older than you and he is not your dad
Everyone burst out laughing.
Yn:yahh why are you all laughing.
She pouted
Hobi:sorry sunshine
Jin:and you Anna you are a slut not her it proves by her innocence.
Mrs Choi:whoo bin don't you teach your daughter some manners
Mrs moon:I am not like you who will teach her daughter whoring around.
Yn:oppa she is glaring at me
She said pointing towards Anna
Tae:stop glaring before I take out those eyes.
She immediately stop
Mrs Choi:we are leaving for now
She said and both of them left.
Mrs moon:baby did you met jaeyoon hmm?
Yn:h-how do you know
Mrs moon: baby his DAD called me that you all beat him
Yn:yes I beat him with tae oppa I will tell you how come here chimmy oppa
Jimin:aish ok
She started beating jimin like how tae beat jaeyoon it didn't effect him but he was acting and everyone were laughing then she kicked him there ummm I don't need to tell and croutch down
Jimin:don't you wanna be aunt
Yn:whats the relation I only kicked you
jin: whatever
And he started scolding kim came towards yn and ask
Mr kim:is my baby ok now
Yn:yes dada
He hugged her and place a kiss on crown of her head
On the other side Mrs moon reach towards taehyung and ask in concern
Mrs moon:are ok son?
Tae:yes mom
Mrs moon:how can anything happen to you have muscles.
Jk:but I am your muscle bunny
He said and pout

Mrs moon:aish don't be sad and stop pouting you are looking like baby

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Mrs moon:aish don't be sad and stop pouting you are looking like baby.
Jk:I am your smallest baby.
He said and picked Mrs moon up and spun around nd kept her down then she slapped his shoulder.
Mrs moon:my double bunny
And they both hug her other bts members also join one side father and daughter was sending there time and one side sons and mother

To be countinue................

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