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Laying on the bed yn was scrolling on her phone as she was bored just then she saw a post of illa she send a photo of you it was inappropriate and a bit revealing and said a slut will always be a slut she teared up and decided to open the comments which didn't help but burn her wounds she reads most of the hate comments for her she decided to call her one of the brother so she called jimin he picked the call after many rings.
Yn:oppa when are you coming-
Jimin:for god sake yn pls stop being annoying and clingy i am busy in work.
Mrs moon:yes yn pls cut the call fast we will talk later.
All brothers and her dad agreed
They were this busy that they didn't understood the situation yn was about to cry so she cutted the call. There was no intention to confront yn like this but they did and maybe regret? Yn decided to go downstairs but halted when she heard some maids saying
Maid1:is she innocent or she act like one
Maid2: she always cling on those 7 boys like they are her boyfriends.
Yn decided to ignored it but can't she ran outside while messaging tae she will be out for walk and she started walking on streets it was falls and she was loving the wheather cozy
Yn: beautiful
Just this word but she was pulled by someone in alleyway yn tried to free herself
Man:what a meal
With that he attacked her neck while giving painful hickeys yn was struggling to get of the grip
Yn:let me go you punk
Man:not early.
Yn was trying hard to got out of the grip when he slapped her and punched her.
Man:i told you stop struggling
Yn took out her pepper spray and sprayed on him he groaned but yn was ran away.she was very sensitive and loving type she always want attention that she didn't got from her family from few days she did everything for them but they just show affection secretly.

On the other side tae was feeling uneasy he feels that something is wrong but decided not to say anything and countinued working.

Here yn was panting but she have to soon she reached home and ran to home terrace and looked down she was fighting if she will die will her brothers will leave peacefully life will her mother will not get a tittle of slut's mother will her dad has to do less work so he can earn for himself she was not in her right mindset everyone go from this but she decided to choose death she climb on the railing was about to jump when a firm hold stopped her she sobbed she was pulled down and slap was there on her face her face turned to right side
he breathed it but yn just looked down not wanted to meet his eyes
Yn: o-pp-a I-i illa she pos-
She broked down taehyung immediately took out his phone soon everyone reached there Mr kim run to yn
Mr kim:yn-ahh baby what happened to your neck this is mosquito bite right tell me
Yn shooked his head
Yn:i was fast enough to be safed
Mrs moon:baby you promised mom that you won't leave-
She was cutted by tae gasped his eyes were dark
Suga:what happened
Tae: everyone open illa's post
They all opened her post and widened there eyes there eyes darkened Suga knuckles turned white he was the most overprotective one among all jin started to read comments but can't rm was calm but he was planning murder in his mind hobi and jimin they were frozed they dearly loved yn with whole heart all did jungkook was seeing everything red
Mr kim:let us see.
Yn gave her phone to her parents while hugging her mother there eyes turned red Mrs moon started to cry silently.
Yn:and and when I was walking on street when someone pulled me it was very dark and he was trying to bite my neck he also slapped me and punched me but i sprayed pepper spray.
She said between her sobs
Yn:mumma i really don't want to die but the comments the comments and i am dirty now
She broked down hard. Bts were standing there with teary eyes along with mr kim it is hard for a brother and a father to see their princess in this situation Mr kim came near her and hugged her patting her hairs all the brothers came and hugged her
Hobi: sunshine we promised to take your revenge hmm don't cry and you are not dirty you are the most pure person in this world

Yang pov
I saw the post and my eyes darkened how dare she did to my princess how dare she i immediately called someone
Yang:i am with you

To be COUNTINUED.........

Hehe i won't be able for 3 days as i am going for trip



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