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Soon they reached yang company as yn jumped on her spot "let's go muffin" yn nodded they both entered as everyone looking shocked seeing there boss with kim princess as yn countinue looking around bowing to all who were bowing at her as yang just nodded soon they reached there company "so future lady boss this is our cabin" yang said while kissing her forehead yn blushed and looked around as yang picked her up yn yelped and held his shoulders "what-" before she can complete he made her sit on table as he got between her legs "you look beautiful" he kissed her nose as yn was blushing all time her heart beat was fast yang looked at her as he asked "can i" yn was confused at first then she remember a kdrama seen where main lead wanted to kiss as he asked for permission yn nodded hestitanly yang immediately smashed his lips on her kissing her softly with full of love.

"Byee" yn said while waving cutely at yang as he nodded and got in his car driving off yn got in skipping like kid as she was about to shout "young miss only master taehyung is here all are out for some works" yn nodded lightly and said thx she skipped to his bedroom and burst in "oppa!!" Taehyung was laying on bed shirtless he opened his eyes and saw yn standing there with smile he opened his arms for her to hug him yn ran to him climbing on him and hugged taehyung "how was my bear's day" he asked in his sweetest voice "it was soo good there employees were soo good to me and i also played with some of gaurds and maid-" she started telling him about his day except kiss as she was so shy to tell that "so yn had so much fun hmm" yn nodded as turned to his side laying yn on bed as yn again hugged him securing him with her legs taehyung chuckled and kissed her head "sweetie are you tired" yn nodded "ok go in bathroom there is my hoodie and my sweatpants go change" yn eyes lighten up as she ran to bathroom he chuckled as he got up going downstairs to serve her the food he don't allow any maid to be around kitchen as he wanted to spend sometime with her sister.

Yn got downstairs as he saw taehyung sitting on one of the chair beside her fav. One as he was using his mobile waiting for her "oppa" yn said and jumped on her seat "carefully" he said while keeping his phone aside "did other oppas ate" yn asked while she was going to eat her food "anii they will eat after they come back" yn dropped her spoon taehyung frowned "i won't eat till all the oppas come" yn said as she looked at door tae sighed as he know how stubborn is yn "ok what do you wanna do till then" he asked "let's set the beds for them as we are going to sleep together and also with mom and dad too" she replied as taehyung nodded with smile

They both were done setting beds yn took a deep breath huffing as she stretched herself " ahh when-" just then the door bell rang she got excited and opened the door just to see mr kim standing with his opened arms yn hugged him as he hugged back yn looked back to see everyone she waved her hands as they reached the door she hugged everyone as they all kissed her head "let's go eat" yn chimed they all nodded and headed towards the dinning room.

So i know you all are jealous because you all don't have brothers like them even i was jealous while writting this chapter. My brother is the most annoying person in this world like if we got chance to kill anyone i would kill him he is not my real brother but cousin.

Purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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