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That's it Mr kim lost it and slapped yn very hard that she falls in the ground.mrs moon also arrived the scene with Suga and tae
Yn was there sitting with a hurt expression and mrs moon can't even move. She never let anyone slap yn when Mrs Lee abuse her she would always prevent her and he never slapped her
Mrs moon: what's with this behaviour kim
Mr kim: I-i
Mrs moon: didn't I asked you to not insult my daughter whatever happen.
Yn glance over her rest of the brother they were consellling nara who was fake crying. Tae and Suga ran towards her.
Tae:yn baby are u ok.
Yn saw tae and Suga and hugged Suga
Yn:mom I don't want to be here
This word was enough for kim family to break their hearts.
Jk:yn it was your mistake-
Yn:I don't need anyone to make me relise my mistake except my jungkook.
Jin:yn he is your brother
Suga:so he should have behave like one.
Mrs moon:yn you don't need to pack your bags your clothes are in the apartment.and Mr kim if you want to throw the clothes you can. I don't have problem. Khaja.
Tae:wait mom we are also coming
Mrs moon:sure son
She smiled at them and without giving any glance they all left but yn said something.
Yn:thank you for the icecream Mr kim
The word Mr kim broke seojoon heart he never ever wanted that yn would cry. Because of him.
Mr kim:yn baby wait. Honey
They didn't listen and left from their.
nara:uncle I am sorry
She said with sad expression.
He didn't say anything and left to his room
Hobi:nara you should rest
Rm: yes now go in your room
She left from their.
Jimin:hyung I think we did wrong.
Jk:no hyung we just spoiled her.
Jimin:but she was just defending mom.
Jin:yeah I think so we did.
Rm:let's sleep
They all went to their bedrooms.
yn:oppa why did you came
She asked
Suga: because we know that you were just defending mom
Tae: yeah
Yn hug both of them
Yn:thank you oppa.
Suga:kitty we trust you hmmm
That's it yn broke down in tears and started crying.
Yn: o-pp-a why didn't they believe me w-why appa believe her.
Mrs moon:baby stop crying and go and sleep. You both can sleep in guest room.
Suga:no need we will sleep with yn. You should rest mom and don't take stress.
Mrs moon:sure son.
She smiled and left.
Tae:let's go hmmm.
He picked her up and she rested her head on tae shoulder. And Suga just look at her with soft loving gaze.
Soon they reach yn's room.
Yn:oppa will you be comfortable in these clothes.
Suga:don't worry
He said while removing his coat.they both join her in the bed and slept hugging her like there life depends on them.
Yn:oppa I really love and always do.
Tae: baby we will never doubt you hmm now sleep.
He said while burying her head in his chest.
Suga:good night kitty
Yn:good night.
yn:oppa how will I face others.
Tae:don't worry be with us.
Suga:and we will never leave you.
Yn nodded.soon they reach home and got down on the se time others members with nara also arrived. Rm was helping her to got down from car.
Yn: o-pp-a did they forgot about me they didn't even look at me.
Tae:don't worry hmm we are here.
They all started moving towards corridor.bts also came to them. Yn smiled at them but they ignored her.
Yn: o-oppa-
Jimin:yes baby I missed you so much.
Yn was shocked seeing jimin behaving this sweet.
Jin:we should leave.
Yn:oppa why are you ignoring me.
Jk:you slapped my sis.
Yn:so I am not your sis.
She said on crack voice. Bts doesn't know answer they wanted to believe yn but nara was also with them from childhood.
Hobi:don't speak nonsense.
With that they left.
Yn: o-pp-a they said I am not their sis. It's not true right.
Jimin:shh see here I am your brother they all are your brother.
Tae:don't worry today I am with you in all periods.lets go.
He said holding her hands. But yn just hug his hand because she was feeling cold and she smiled at him cutely. She don't want them to worry about her so she decided to act normal.soon they reach there class and sat on there seat that was at the back.
Yn:oppa hold my hands it's cold.
Tae:aish I told you to wear extra sweater why didn't you wear hmm.
She said showing him his puppy eyes.
Tae:I know you will feel cold so brought you this wear
He take out a jacket and a cap.
Yn:oppa I am not a kid and besides that it is very ichy.
She whine
Tae:you have to.
Yn:I don't feel cold.
Tae glared at her
Yn:ok oppa.
Tae made her wear jacket and cap. But yn was feeling ichy so she removed the cap from that part
Tae:wear it properly you're indeed a child
Heade her wear it and she started sulking.
Tae:ahh my baby is cute. Look here let me click your photo.
she said pouting
Just then jungkook entered with nara.and sit beside them yn was between tae and jungkook.
Yn:oppa~wont you talk to me?
Jk ignored her.
Yn:oppa I am sorry for calling you by name.
Jk was feeling guilty that he didn't apologize but she did of a small thing. Jungkook hugged her.
Jk:sorry baby your brother can't save you.
Nara:but oppa it was her-
He glared at her.
Yn:taetae oppa see jungkook oppa don't hate me.
Jk:aish what are u saying hmmm.
Yn:sorry oppa again.
She said pouting.
Jk:my baby is so cute in this cap.
Nara:oppa I am also-
Just then tae got a call. He talked for a bit and said
Tae:let's go dad and mom are in private room with others you also nara.
Soon they reach their room and saw everyone seated there Mr kim notice that yn came he wanted to hug her but also want to announce something.
Mr kim:so I was saying that............



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