Chapter 1

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Dedicated to amanda pauline for being our first follower!:) <3 xx


chapter 1

Monday 21st of January 2013 

Lucy's pov 

i have been friends with Courtney for 7 years and we are really close but she keep on bringing up the time I met David and Brooklyn beckham and it is getting on my nerves that she is making such a big deal out of it .


i was out with my family sitting and eating when the waiter comes over and says "Get ready a celebrity is coming in please no screaming" i just think that it is some unknown local celebrity that nobody know about but then David beckham walks in with his sons.

i let out a little scream then i realized where i was so went to the bathroom and fixed my hair. then i sat down and kept staring at Brooklyn and David. i had never realized before how fit Brooklyn was. as i was looking over i kept seeing him look at me so i told my sister who was already having a panic attack. but she keeps on winding me up " Brooklyn loves Chloe awww" my reply is simply 

"i wish but the only reason he is looking at me because i have been staring at him and him dad for the past 20 minutes" this was true but it hadn't been 20 minutes anyway every time i looked at him he would look away.

they had just finish their meal and my brother asked if he could have a photo with David beckham so me and my sister joined in i uploaded it to facebook and got 23 comments and 43 likes i was so happy this was by far the best day of my life.

****end of flashback***

Courtney's pov

i am soooo jealous that she got to meet Brooklyn and not me why couldn't it have been me.

i keep on winding her up saying that he fancied her. i hope he didn't i know i have a boyfriend and all but Drew from Lyminton vs Brooklyn beckham uuurrrmmmm who am i going to chose. don't get me wrong i really like Drew and all but we don't get to see each other much and when we do see each other we just talk (and argue) about how we don't get to see each other. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!

so anyway i keep on asking Lucy to tell me the story but every time she tells me it is a little bit different. maybe she didn't even get to meet him. 

"enough about me," Lucy said after telling me the story,"tell me whats happening with you and drew?"

this is the danger question the one question i don't want to be asked.

"i am not to sure really." there was a long awkward silence"i don't particularly want to talk about it."

"that's fine," she said she know how far to push me."anyway this is going to be sooooo much fun because you are staying in MY new flat for the next to nights."

Lucy had been saving up money for the past 6 years to move out because she has her sisters old room and it is tiny. her family were always planning to move for ages but when her brother moved out they said there no point of moving. so that is when she decided to start saving and last week she moved into her flat and i have come to stay with her for the next week (as i live at home).

"yeah what are we doing tomorrow???"

"i think we should shopping maybe Harlow?"

"yeah i could drive up there or we could get the bus."

"we should get the bus because it will be cheaper that paying for fuel. So we should go to bed now because it is getting late and we are getting up early so we are not late." she is soooo BOSSY sometimes, i think it might be fun to annoy her, so i yell "but i am not tired"

she retorted,"yeah but we need to get up early so we don't miss the bus and i promise we will stay up all night one night this week but not tonight something is tell me to go to sleep and that i will need to be wide awake tomorrow. so nite nite."

with that i turn over and tried to get to sleep.

Hiya this is Chloe guys and i hoped you liked the first chapter please comment but please NO hate me and Lauren are just doing this for fun and it is just a book and before any of you write hate about us please remember this is just a book/FAN FICTION thanks for reading and please comment 

ps if you are writing a story your self we would love for some tips as it is our first book xx

Chloe and Lauren xx

I'm Just Me:)&lt;3 x (one direction and Brooklyn Beckham fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now