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Caroline pov:

As we pull in to dale brisbys ranch I see a text from my phone seeing that now one of my best friends have befriended on Snap and got together with tuff great. I shed two tears then I put the truck in park turn it off and get out and start to walk over to my dads trailer where he's letting out cows . I see dale and Boone walking over here to talk to my dad I go behind the chute to start putting bulls in the chutes so we can buck them an look at them

I put the bulls in the shoot and I started to ty the rope on it I don't know what it's called . " cjjjjjjjjj long time no see" dale says as he walks in the the bull fighting round pin " hey dale" I say as a respond "hey dad where's mom at" I yell at my dad
"Inside with jagger and Bella can you go get Bella we need to work on her and your barrels also" I say yes sir and go get Bella and we saddle up our horses and ride over to the arena where every body is.

I warm up cause I'm going to run on the barrels and digger seems really werid for some reason he's already tried to buck me off " LOOSEN YOUR REINS" my mom yells at me I roll my eyes and do so everybody just needs to stop yelling at me today
My dad Mildy yells don't roll your eyes at your mom
right after that digger just quit and bucked and bucked he bucked me right off I got up I go and grab digger and walk out pissed this day is just not a good day for digger an me

I put some cream on his hine legs and but wraps around it hopefully make it less sore "hey sissy" jagger tries to yell out hey buddy I respond and he tries to tell me we're going to eat and the. To a show barn dance I put on one of my nice pants and shirts and get into the truck with the rest of my family " mom do you see somethings wrong with digger" I say "maybe he's just sore" she replies " I want to tell y'all's kids that after this rodeo we are going to pack up and head to Las Vegas" my dad says

"Why are we going to Las Vegas" I say
" well the pbr is holding it there and then the junior nfr is the next week after that so me and your mom are riding and you just got your pro card so we're going to enter you for barrels..."

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