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Jb pov:

I woke up at 7 am got ready Samantha is comin with me we dropped off Bella and jagger at Caroline's trailer she was semi awake we got into the truck and headed to the stadium we had small talk all the way there we were both tired but not that much when we got there we got out and got our badges that hanged around necks I went to the locker room to set my stuff down every body was there they said morning and everything I set my ropes down my vest and headed back outside.

Caroline pov:

I woke up cuddled up against Weston I smiled then got up and walked into the th kitchen area and so Bella and jagger asleep on the pull out couchi got up jagger changed his diaper and put his pants and belt buckle on then his twisted xs and his little cowboy hat and can't forget his little shirt he was still tired so I laid him down i my bed by Weston I woke up Bella and we picked out her outfit it was basically just pants a cactus shirt her pots and belt with a big bow me and Weston got dressed and we fed the horses and we put jagger and Bella into their car seats and headed to the stadium

We arrived to the stadium Bella was passed out so Weston decided to carry her and I was carrying jagger he was also sleepy but was a awake also we got our lanterns with our badges I carried jaggers and Bella's we went to go find mom and dad they should be right outside the entrance of the arena we were walking and we found my mom and dad once jagger so my mom he automatically wanted to go to my mom Bella woke up and I put her lantern on my dad was talking to Weston and I was just going through my phone I swipe on my exbestfriends story and it looks like she is here and she is competing in the jr nfr I roll my eyes and I guess my dad caught me doing that " what's got you mad" he says as he shuffles his bull rope and flank in his hand

"I found out that Alexa is competing and I s quote on quote coming for me" I sigh as put my phone back in my pocket "she is no competition she doesn't sit down around her barrels" my mom says and I laugh. " I have to go pick my bull now and the into is about to start so y'all should go get y'all's seats in the Mauney zone" we laugh he kisses my fore head and Bella's and kisses my mom their so cute.

We sat down jagger was in Weston lap playing with my rings my mom was talking to my grandma and grandpa since they came to watch my dad their son. I lay my head on westons shoulder he kisses my forehead the lights go dim they light the fire that says the the pbr and all the bull riders come out my dad comes out and stands on the truck the introduce him we all clap and cheer he gets of and goes back into the chute area I get on my phone as the announcer comes on tells us the bulls have been put in the chute what order there going in. My dad is going on the 4th bull which he is a popular bull named bruiser he's rode him before but got bucked off

My dads turn was up he was in the chute I was videoing him bad to the bone started to play that his like theme song he nods his head but something isn't right he stays on for the whole 8 he gets bucked off and the bull hits him in his arm put like step on him that has happened before and he had to get a lot of surgery's and etc I get out of seat trying to look for him and he's on the ground laying there "is he ok mom" I say

Longest ride • j.b Mauneys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now