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Caroline's pov:

We were loading up to go back to dales house when I felt someones arms wrap around me like a hug . J turn around expecting it to be Weston and it's was my bio mom she's suppose to be in jail

If you didn't know Samantha isn't me and Bella's real mom that's why we do t really look like her our real mom is Lexi wiggly she abused me when I was young and kinda neglected me when I was old enough and understands more j told my dad and one time she was doing drugs right in front me anyways I was shocked and yelled " get off of me" and pushed her "is that how your suppose to treat your mother" she told me " your not my mother you never were that went away when you stared to hit me" when I said that she slapped me and j and tears well up in my eyes and in that second Sam my step mom pushed Lexi onto the ground and my dad got the police and he took me over to his truck and held me

"She slapped me it brought all those memories back" i said as I sobbed in my dads arms as he rubbed my back up and down " I'm so sorry Caroline that has happened to you I wish I wish I could've been there to stop all of this pain she has caused you" ilas he said that I just hugged him even tighter " we have to load up remeber we're going to Vegas and you have a long trip ahead of you I'm so sorry again" he said " it's not your fault dad don't ever think it is my stuff loaded just waiting to follow you" he tells me ok and I go say hi to Weston

"Hey weston" I say as wrapping my arm around his waist " hey beautiful" he says as he kisses my cheek
"I'm about to go on the road for Vegas I just wanted to come say by" I say " ok you will definitely see me there" he says "good" I respond by laying my head on his chest "we'll I guess I will see you at Vegas". I say breaking the moment " byyyy" he says I laugh and kiss him on the cheek

I get in my truck and start to back out and the we get on the road to Vegas.

Hours later

Sooo I'm tired as fuck rn I was on the phone with Weston but he had to hang up cause his mom was calling him so I just start jam ou to music until I need gas so I call my dad "hello" he says " hey I need gas can y'all stop at the next store we pass or do you still have some in the cans" I say " yea we will stop jagger needs to go to bathroom anyways" he responds I say ok and hang up .

We stop at the store I pay for my gas and I go inside to get a drink and go back out to my truck and I call Weston back "hey handsome" I say " hey" he responds do you maybe want to go out with me like bf and gf" he asks me I'm in total shock "of course" I say really excited and after he asked me just flaked and so so

Weston pov:
I just asked Caroline to be my girl friend and she said yes I asked her dad before hand and he really likes me he says she has never been happier with someone until we met we are actually going to a dinner me her dad and mom and her and her siblings and we're gonna share a room together so now me and her dad are on the phone rn and he's asking me if I can help him move some bulls for the pbr he's bringing some bulls so I obviously said yes I need a good relationship with her dad and he's also and amazing guy.

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