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Caroline pov:
Me and Weston are heading to dinner with my mom dad grandparents and my siblings we're gonna tell them we're having a kid we get out of the truck and go into the restaurant and sit down "so we have some news" I get out a small box and hand I to my dad and mom they open it and there faces we're priceless my mom gets up and hugs me and my dad then the next thing I turn around and Weston is on his kneee

"Caroline June Mauney we've been through ups and downs we take care of eachother when we feel down your the love of my life and I wouldn't imagine to spend it with anybody else so will you make the happiest man in the world and marry me" he says I tear up and nod my head and hug him "I love you so much" I say to him

9 months later....

I was in labor, now I have our baby's turns out we had twins one boy and one girl we named the boy 'blaze James teel' and we named the girl 'brailee Lynn teel' they just released us and we're head to my dads house. When we get there I get out and grab blaze from the truck weston is attached to brailee he will not leave her side def gonna be a daddy's
Girl we go into there house and jagger comes and hugs me cinco is now almost 1 so he's crawling Bella is 11 she came and hugged me she had a friend over that stayed in her room the whole time I sat down and got blaze out to let my mom hold him "he's adorable" my mom says I smile weston gives brailee to my my dad and he smiles "so what do you y'all want them do with rodeo" my mom asks I was making bj a bottle so Weston awnsered "we'll I want brailee to go into team roping or bull dogging she wants her to go into barrels and we both want blaze to etheir go into team roping or broncs or even bulls" he says "ohhh that's cool there gonna have great trainers and role models around them for sure" my mom says me and Weston pack up day by to mom dad and my siblings

Longest ride • j.b Mauneys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now