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Caroline pov:

I wake up and get ready since I have a doctors appt today with my mom she has to go cause I have no driver I kiss westons fore head and rub his back I walk down to my moms truck and get in it and she drives us to the doctors

We got to the doctors my mom checked me in and she came back to sit down "Caroline Mauney" the nurse yelled me and my both got up and walked back to the room we sat there for a minute talked and then the doctor came back in " hello Caroline so we hems even looked at your collarbone and shoulder and it's looks like it I shattered we are gona have to do a procedure on it we will do it tonight since it's our only opening don't eat or drink anything from now one the procedure will start at 7:20 pm so I will let y'all go"

Me and my mom walked out we drove back to the house my dad Bella and jagger were on the porch I walked past them and into the kitchen remembering I couldn't drink anything I walked back into my room

Samantha pov:

"What did they say" my husband says holding jagger
"We'll they said she had to get surgery tonight at 7:30 and she can't drink or eat anything until after the surgery and she's upset where's Weston" I say "he's out there with my dad there getting ready for his first rodeo back since the injury" he says back I nod and go inside and go to Caroline's room
"Hey if you wanna take a blanket and pillow you can since your probably gonna have to sleep there for a while Ik the hospital beds are rough" I say "ok" she says in response I get apple juices and little ice pack and go go squeezes for when she's done with the surgery jb really like them after his so why not try with her I put that in the fridge to keep it cool. This surgery was gonna take like 2 hours the doctor said so I'm just packing like a blanket snacks charger and ofc my phone I get that all packed up and put it in my truck

Caroline's pov:

I'm just sitting in bed and Weston comes in
"Hey babee" he says as he comes over to me and sits on the bed and rubs my leg "I hate that I'm missing your rodeo" I say and I frown. " don't be I have many more and plus I kinda rather be at the hospital with you and not go"he says back " we'll that's not a option is it" i say we both smile " what time do you need to be at the rodeo" I ask. "Actually I have to leave rn I love u" he says and kisses me "love you to do good out there get 90 for me

It's time to go to the doctors for the surgery I get in my moms truck my dad is gonna come later like after it's done he wants to watch Weston then come to the hospital we drive to the hospital we arrive and get out they escorted us to the room where I change into that little hospital gown and then next thing I know I'm already in surgery knocked out

Samanthas pov:

I'm just waiting in this room for cj to get out of surgery jb is. Almost here the rodeo just ended and broncs were the last event idk why normally it's barrels but who knows weston is just going back to the house jb walks in and takes his hat off and sets it on the table and comes and sits by me "is she almost out" he asks me "yep she should be out anytime now" as I said that they walked and wheeled her in she was out cold and they told us once she wakes up she can go home but let her move around first

Caroline pov:

I wake up and I had the instant urge to throw up why does my shoulder feel better like I can sort of move it 
Oh I got surgery I forgot I see my dad and my mom sitting over on the couch my dad is on his phone and my mom is look at me waiting to wake up I leant over and went to throw up my mom rubbed my back and got paper towels they got me up and we packed up and headed home

Longest ride • j.b Mauneys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now