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Caroline pov:

Mom called us in to eat we prayed already now we're sitting down at the big table outside that we set up earlier weston is sitting by me and brinley on the other side of me then across from me was Austin. And his girl friend and if she keeps asking him questions about him and stuff I'm gonna say sum but I don't wanna ruin this for my grandparents I've told Austin bout it he sees it to but he just doesn't break up with her "if she doesn't stop eyeing you I'm gonna do something" I say to Weston in a whisper "it's fine babe just take a deep breath" he says to me and kisses my forehead

People all got down me weston Austin and his girlfriend and my dad and Austin's dad are out by the drive way "so westonnn how tall are you" she say twirling my hair my dad whips his head over and widens his eyes "bitch" I say real quick weston just looks uncomfortable "what" she says back acting like she ain't do nothing wrong "you have been trying to get on my bf this whole day" I say going up to her "yea and you know what I'm breaking up with you cause I saw it to" Austin speaks up "you bitch you gotten me broken up with my bf" she tries to come at me I wish brinley didn't leave she would of got jumped by us any way I pushed her back on the ground "man get out of here weak ass bitch" I yell at her Weston grabbed me by my waist and carried me over by my dad "cj you have to stop getting into fights" my dad says to me

Everybody was gone now I was helping my mom clean up I felt really light headed for some reason like I stumbled a few times and I'm not drunk so idk what was wrong "you ok babe" Weston comes up behind me I shake my head No I basically collapse into him I get laid down on the floor my mom ran over to me and had the ambulance coming "breathe Caroline in an out" Weston says to me trying to get me to stay awake but I couldn't then just passed out

Symantha pov:

I called the ambulance and there in the way the next thing I did was call jb he was currently out in the pasture working cows with his dad "hey Caroline passed out the ambulance is coming and I don't know what to do Weston is trying to keep her awake and we need to go to the hospital with her and just please come to the house" I say almost crying being stressed out he said yes he's hurrying and coming the ambulance arrives and they take cj Weston rode with her and me and jb are heading there now

Jb pov:

We're currently speeding to the hospital trying to follow the ambulance we don't know what happen she just passed out she's never done that but when it's your little girl j know she ain't little but she always will be you never wanna see her get hurt we get to the hospital we walk into the hospital and Weston is sitting there "what did they say" I ask him
"They said she almost like overdosed like someone spiked her or drugged her" he said all I felt was angry cause I know who did it we don't say anything and just sit down "hey I don't think it's a good time but I graduated early I took a test and they let me go" Weston says we give him a smile and said congrats then they called us to the back but only two people weston was being stubborn and told us we had to go n I tried to let him go in for me but he didn't listen

Caroline pov:

I wake up and I'm in a hospital room with I vs on my arm and I have a huge headache my mom and dad came in and I smiled "hey cj" my dad said and mom said hi "what happened" I say  "someone drugged you at the party were thinking it was Austin's ex girlfriend now "ohh" I sigh "but we got you here in time and they made you allll better" my mom said I smiled "when can I go home" I ask "tmw Weston is gonna stay her he can't come back cause only two people can and your dad tried to get him to come instead of him" my mom responded again I nod my head and fell back asleep

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