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We've made it into to tennesse and my dad wakes me up so I can go to the bathroom at this store so I get out I walk into the store I use the bathroom I walk back out to the truck "here your mom told me to give this to you" my day said and he handed me medicine "I'm tired of taking medicine every 5 minutes they don't even help with my arm" I say with my shaking leg My dad sighs " cj it helps I promise I've been through this before" I shake my head he goes to my moms truck

Jb Mauney pov:

Cj is being stubborn and won't take the medicine she slept most of the way here I walk over to samanthas truck "she wont take the medicine" I say to her "let her just chill out for the rest of the car ride she has her brace on hopefully she can straighten in like week but if she needs surgery she's gonna loose it"
Sam says " I know I guess we will get back on the road" I say that and I kiss her and go back to my truck and cj has her head on the window with her eyes closed I feel bad for her she has hurt that same shoulder before that's why it hurts twice as much I think she has shattered her collar bone this time so we're gonna go see a doctor once we get to North Carolina

We have finally made it to North Carolina. Cj is asleep I go to open the back seat and get the suitcases out and put them in ours rooms my parents house is kinda big so our kids have their one individual little room so go put the kids suit case in there rooms weston is suppose to be here in like 30 min I'm gonna need his help with cows Since my dad wants them moved I walk back out to the truck "cj wake up" I kinda shook her she woke up she stretched a little and got out and went into the house

Caroline pov:

My dad shook me awake I stretched and went to the house to see my grandparents "is that my cjjj" my mawmaw came over to me I smiled and hugged her " what happened" she asked me "a bull came charged at me and hooked me into my collar bone on a trailer
"Oh my poor baby" she says to me and I laugh a little  I walk more into the house and see pops in his chair putting his boots on "hey boy" he said he's always has called me boy all my life "hey pops"I went to hug him and inspects my shoulder "when you going to get that fixed I need my lil helper" he asks me " I'm suppose to go to the doctor tmw" I say he says ok and I head to my room I start to sort out my clothes and someone knocks and comes in and it's Bella "dads want to know if you need anything and he said we're going to eat once Weston got here" she said "no I do t need anything and ok" I respond to her

I get ready and I put this on

Weston was now here and he helped me put my shirt on over my brace

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Weston was now here and he helped me put my shirt on over my brace.we both go downstairs and sit on the couch and I lay my head on westons shoulder waiting for everybody to get ready jagger came and sat on westons lap and played on my phone

Everybody came down and now we're getting in the truck I got into westons truck and we drove off "so me and my mom are going to the doctors tmw and I think my dad wants you to help him move cattle" I say "okay tmw I have a rodeo I'm going to also are you gonna be able to go" he asks me " I want to go I'm gonna see what the doctors say and ye so I'm planing on going def" I say "ok" he picks up my other hand and kisses it

We get to the restaurant my dad picked out and we all walked in we got our table and sat down and we enjoyed an ate

Longest ride • j.b Mauneys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now