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Caroline pov:

I see him get up on his own that's a good sign he holds his arm pit and walks out with his hat on holding his arm we leave the stands to go find my dad and he's back by a trainers room we all go in there he has ice on his shoulder I was relieved when I saw he was fine he always tells me not to worry when he gets hurt he says he'll be fine but sometimes you still worry we talk for a little and the trainer comes in

"So I have some good new and I guess mild"the trainers starts off "so the good news is your going to the nfr you made it but the mild news is your gonna have to do therapy starting next week" she says "no not next I'll start after next week I'll be fine" he responds I shake my head knowing why and he's not gonna give it up "sir you can't-" the trainer try's to say " watch me I'm not missing my daughters rodeo I'm not and plus my arm is fine it's not detached or anything I don't feel pain" he says

We are headed to the trucks rn jagger and Bella are still coming with me and Weston We load the up in the truck and head back to the trailers

The next week :

We connect the truck to the latch for the trailer we pull out and go to the nfr rodeo ground where you can park your trailers and rvs and etc I park and get out I walk into the living quarter part of my trailer and get a water out of the fridge weston comes into the trailer and lays on my couch I sit next to him and I lay his head on my lap and peck his lips " do you run today" he asks " yes at 1:00 what about you" I respond " no I ride tomorrow" he says someone knocks on the door and opens it and it's Bella telling me to saddle my horse and warmup it's almost one

I get up from Weston kiss him he tells me goodbye and he'll be out there in a minute he was changing I leave the trailer I get diggers Saddle and put it on him then I put his wraps then I'm done I just put his reins on the head to the arena I see my dad mom weston and my siblings walk in to the stands I pray before every run so I pray I put my cross necklace inside my shirt so I doesn't fly off.

They call my name and run into the area a it was perfect run my time was 14.9 I smile and pet digger a lot I get off of him I tie him up and go walk in the stands where my family was and sit down next to Weston tuff walks by us and says something I didn't catch what he said but Weston did "keep walking dude no need for that" he says a little loud " oh really what you gone do about it" tuff says back weston starts to get up and walks after him we all stand up and follow him my grandpa went to go get my horse and took it back to the trailer my dad gets in front of to go to Weston "'walk away don't let him ruin it" he says to him  then Alexa walks up behind tuff and says "oh is your daddy saving your bf" I respond by saying "is that by your hiding behind someone can you not say it to my face" I get closer tuff tenses up Bc I was get closer " I swear to god boy if you tense up around her like that again you won't see another day" my dad says

Longest ride • j.b Mauneys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now