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Caroline pov:

Me and brinley walk into school I see my other cousins /friends
So there is. Austin which is a cousin Ashley she's a friend not related Zander who's just a friend not related then brinley already introduced her that basically it we walk into the cafeteria and sit with them and there's a new person there
"Omg you Caroline Mauney" she says "yes I am who...are you?" I reply Zander was mouthing she is so annoying " oh I'm lex I'm a barrel racer" she says "oh well what are doing at our table" I ask "cause we're besties" she says " no we're not" I respond very quickly she rubs past em walks off "she's giving me very much buckle bunny vibes" she say and we laugh and agree the bell rings me and Austin head to class

Everybody was starin at me for what I turn to my friend and I asked her why they were staring and she said cause Alexa and tuff had been starting shit when I was gone and saying how my dad always defends me and I can't stand up for myself I'm absolutely pissed rn cause she's the one on the ground after I choked her

It was now lunch I had to go to the counselors to finish my diploma thing I guess but I will do it after lunch alexa and her little fake friends were staring at me as I walked in I smirked at her and she turned away she tried to trio me and grab my necklace the necklace I had on was my dads old cross that he always would where to bull tidings so I where it everyday now I punched her and she tried to fight back until tuff tried to pull her back I got few more punches she ain't do nothin but make a busted lip maybe that's all Austin pulled me back and I smirked  and walked to the principals office

Jb pov:
I'm at the sale barn with dale and j get a call I step outside and it's the school they told me that Caroline has gotten into a fight I sigh j go tell dale that I have to get her from school I pull up to the school and walk to the front desk " I'm here to get Caroline Mauney" I say "oh yes the principal wanted to have a chat with you and Caroline and the person she had gotten into a fight with I walk into the principals office and cj is glaring at Alexa like with a death glare
" not my fault dad" she says " don't tell me in the truck" I say sternly "hello you to hello parents" as the principal says that I nod my head " so these to have obviously gotten into a fight for there differences and since there both graduating soon actually we have sign 20 students to graduate this week but they won't get there down but they will get there cap an diploma so we have selected Caroline and Alexa will be put in iiss just so you know" cj smirked at Alexa
Alexa tried to jump out of her seat but Caroline was already standing up ready for anything " try it I dare you" she says I stand up and I say " ok so I'm leaving with her she will not come back of that little girl over there we've always had problems like you said my daughters graduating so there's no problem" and then we left

We both go into the truck "what happened" I say to her " so she had been telling the whole school that saying that you always defend me and I can't do shit by myslelf and that I'm a hoe and more so when we got to lunch she tried to trip me and tried to grab my cross necklace so I punched her and all she did to me was bust my lip which doesn't hurt" She laugh at the last part " ok but just so you know weston is out of the wheel chair it wasn't long at all and he's already feeling better you need to focus on you let barrels and your also gonna be coming to load cows at the sale barn with me just so you know" he responds

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