Chapter 12

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*Alaina's POV*

We made it to Jack's house and took all my stuff and ran upstairs to his room. Jack followed me. I started to panic. "Alaina calm down. Everything is gonna be okay." He said to me. I ran up to him and smashed my lips against his.

*Jack's POV*

She smashed her lips against mine. I pushed her off. "What you don't want me?" She said. "No I do I really really do. It's just your so upset and I don't want to take advantage of you. That wouldn't be right." I said. "Yeah your right." She said while running her hand threw her hair. "Well I'm just gonna go and change into my pajamas." She said as she searched threw her bags for some.

*Alaina's POV*

After I found my pajamas I went to the bathroom to change. After I changed I went back to his room and he was shirtless in sweatpants. "Ready for bed?" He asked me. I nodded. I picked up my bags and put them on the floor. I crawled into his bed. He then came and wrapped his arms around me. Oh how I love his warmth. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to Jack moving around in the bed. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you." He said. "No it's okay. I had to wake up soon anyways." I said to him. "Do you mind if I jump in the shower?" I asked him. "Nope." He said. I got up and grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I jumped in the shower.

When I was done I dried off and changed into my outfit. *picture above* I walked out and walked into Jack's room. "Where are your parents?" I asked him. "Oh they are on a business trip. But it doesn't matter anyways. I'm moving out soon." He said. "Oh okay." I said. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked back to the bathroom.

I did light makeup and I straighten my hair. I walked back to his room. He was all dresses. "I need to find an apartment." I said. "Just stay here till you can find one." He said. "Well I have to bring all my stuff and I don't think you have enough space for all my stuff." I said. "No we have a finished basement that no one uses." He said. "Are you sure I can live here?" I asked one more time. He nodded. "Well we have to go and get the rest off stuff today." I said. "Okay I'll call Sammy." He said. I nodded.

He called Sammy. "He's on his way here." Jack said. I nodded. "Let's move all your bags downstairs." He said as he grabbed two of my bags and walked out of his room. I grabbed the other two and followed him. We walked downstairs to his basement. When we got their I threw my bags down and so did he.

"Jack you know you are the best person ever." I said as I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. "No. Your the best person ever." He said. "That's a lie." I said. "Is not." He said. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He said. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

He let go of me to answer his phone. "Okay we'll be out in a minute." He said into the phone. He hung up. "Sammy's outside." He said. I nodded and ran upstairs. He followed me. I walked out the front door and to Sammy's car.

I got in and so did Jack. "Off to my house." I said. "Yeah." They both said in unison.

*at my house*

When we got to my house there was a moving truck outside. "Sammy did you call a moving company?" I asked him. He nodded. We got out of the car and walked into my house. "Well let's start moving everything into the truck." I said as I went over to a dresser. Jack walked over and helped me.

We carried the dresser outside and into the truck. Sammy took my mattress down.

*3 hours later*

We had the whole moving truck packed. "I can't believe I get to finally leave this place." I whispered. I started to cry a little. "Shhhhh. Alaina. Babe stop crying." Jack said as he wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his chest. "C'mon lets go to my house now." He said. I nodded and followed him to Sammy's car. I got in and laid my head on Jack's shoulder. Sammy got in and drove to Jack's house.

*at Jack's house*

We started to unpack the truck and bring everything into the basement. "Jack are you sure your parents won't be mad." I asked Jack. "Yeah I'm sure." He said. I nodded. What if his parents come home and I'm still here and they get mad? What am I gonna do? I started to panic. "Hey Alaina it's okay. Don't worry." Jack said to me. I couldn't calm down. "Hey let's go upstairs." He said as he started walking me up to his room.

When we got to his room he laid me down on his bed. He started to walk out. I grabbed his wrist. "Lay with me." I said to him. He walked around to the other side of the bed and laid down. He wrapped his arm around me. "Jack." I whispered. "Hmmm." He whispered back. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him.

*Jack's POV*

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked me. "Yeah." I said to her. I can't believe it Alaina Johnson is my girlfriend. I can finally call her mine.

We laid down for half an hour. "Alaina lets help them move the stuff now." I said to her. "Okay." She said to me.

*Alaina's POV*

I got up and went downstairs. They were pretty much done with everything. I went outside to the moving truck. I grabbed my mattress and carried that inside. "Can one of you guys get the bed frame?" I asked them. Sammy went out. I went downstairs and leaned it against the wall. "You know this means I can't sleep with you anymore." I said. "No your still gonna sleep with me every night." Jack said. "Then why do I have a bed?" I asked him. "I don't know. But what I do know is that your sleeping with me every night." He said. I laughed at him. "What ever you say big boy." I said as I lightly tapped his chest.


Omfg Alaina and Jack are dating?! Wow. What's their ship name. And who do you ship more Alaina and Jack or Alaina and Shawn. Or even Alaina and Sammy........ I don't think that Alaina and Sammy would ever date. But who you ship more.

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