Chapter 14

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*Alaina's POV*

We were back at Jack's house eating. That's when his parents came barging in. "Jack were home!" They both said. Jack shot up. "Hi mom. Hi dad." He said walking over to them and giving them a hug. "Alaina it's so good to see you." His mom said. "Nice to see you too." I said as I walked up to both of them and hugged them. "How are your parents doing?" His mom asked me. "Good." I lied. She nodded.

"Jack help me carry your mothers bags to the room." Jack's dad said. He nodded as he ran over to the bags and picked them up. He walked upstairs. "Samuel." His mom said walking up to Sammy. "Hi Mrs.Gilinsky." Sammy said. They hugged. "How are your parents?" She asked. "Good." He said. She nodded. God this is so awkward.

*Jack's POV*

I helped my dad upstairs with the bags. "What's Alaina doing here?" He asked me. "It's a long story." I said. "C'mon son. We have time." He said. I sat down and started to tell him the whole story.

"Wow. So she lives here?" He said. I nodded. "You never asked if you could have your girlfriend stay here." He said. "Yeah dad I know. But she had no other place to go." I said. "Yeah. Yeah. Just wait till your mother hears this one." He said getting up and walking down stairs.

*Alaina's POV*

Jack was walking down stairs. "Katherine. You gotta hear this one." His dad said. "What is it this time David." She said. "Jack is dating Alaina." He said. "Okay and." She said. "And she's living here." He said. She laughed. "Your kidding right?" She said. "Wish I was." He said. "Jack. Who said that you could have a girl. No other than your bestfriends little sister and your girlfriend living in the same house as you?!" She said. I looked down. He said that they would be okay with it. "Oh my god! You guys are having sex aren't you!" She said. "Mom! We aren't doing anything. I promise. She needed a place to stay." Jack said. "She has her own house!" She said. "Well it's a long story." He said. "You better tell me or she's out of here." She said. Jack sat down and started to explain the whole thing. In detail.

"Oh my god! Alaina your mom hit you?" She said. I nodded. "She abused me for three years straight." I said. I felt a year roll down my cheek. Jack came over to me and wiped the tear off me cheek. "It's a good thing we got you out of there beautiful." He said. I nodded.


Worst chapter ever

It was rushed because I haven't updated in forever.

Well what book should I update next

Or should I just finish this one.

And then finish another one.

Comment what you think I should do

Oh and that girl up there. That's Alaina. Yeah. She beautiful




Good or Bad boy? •Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky•Where stories live. Discover now