Chapter 15

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*Alaina's POV*

"Jack come watch Netflix with me." I yelled. "I'm coming." He yelled. He walked downstairs. "What do you want?" He asked. "I wanna watch Netflix." I said. He nodded.

He laid down next to me. "Why can't every night be like this?" I asked him. "Well it can if I find my own apartment and you move in with me." He said.

We were watching American Horror Story. My all time favorite show and I'm only on season one. "WHAT VIOLET IS DEAD!" I yelled. "Shhh babe my parents are sleeping." Jack said.

*Jack's POV*

Alaina was sleeping on my chest. I slowly started to fall asleep. Eventually I was asleep.

I woke up to my mom yelling. "Jack I swear to God if you had sex with her!" She yelled. By now Alaina was awake. The only reason it looked bad was because she was in a sports bra and I was shirtless. "Mom I swear I didn't do anything!" I yelled back at her. I wish me and her had sex.

"How do I know you didn't do anything!" She yelled. "Mom if we did you would have heard her moaning. Just saying." I said. Alaina started to blush. "That was to much information. I'm leaving now." She said as she walked upstairs.

"How would you know I would moan loudly if we had sex?" Alaina asked me. "Trust me I know." I said. "Why don't you show me what you know then?" She said smirking. "Okay I will." I said.

*Alaina's POV*

Jack started kissing me. Damn this boy can kiss. He licked my bottom lip. Of course I opened. My tongue explored his mouth as his did the same.

He moved down to my neck. Slowly sucking all over it. He found my sweet spot and I whimpered. "Someone likes when I do that." He said. I nodded.

He started sucking on it again. I couldn't help but moan. "Moan for daddy." He said. "Mhhhhh." I moaned. "Moan my name." He said again. I started to imagine Sammy doing this to me. "Mhhhh Sammy." I moaned. He stopped. "The fuck. I'm not Sammy." Jack said.

"HAVE YOU AND SAMMY EVER HAD SEX?!" Jack asked me. "NO JACK I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO YOU!" I yell. "Then why the fuck did you moan his name?!" He yelled again. "I have no idea." I say. "Your fucking lying!" He yelled. "Jack do you really think I'm the type of girl to cheat of her boyfriend?" I said feeling hurt. "Well yeah after you just moaned another guy's name!" He yelled. "Wow Jack wow. Thanks for not having trust in me." I said waking upstairs.

"Where the fuck do you think your going?!" He yelled following me upstairs. "To Shawn's house. Don't worry I'm not gonna cheat on you because we're over!" I yelled. I walked out of the house and slammed the door.


So Jack thinks Alaina cheated on him with Sammy

And they broke up

Wow so much can happen in a chapter




Good or Bad boy? •Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky•Where stories live. Discover now