Chapter 1

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Alaina's POV

I looked over at my phone and it says 3:00am. Lately I haven't been able to sleep. My parents are driving me insane! They want me to date Shawn Mendes but I don't like him like that. I like Jack Gilinsky, I don't just like him, I love him. My parents don't approve of Jack G because they think he is a "bad influence" but I truly don't see what they mean.I mean yeah I guess he goes through girls like that but I really think he likes me. But Shawn is just so sweet and i don't want to hurt him. I have to talk to someone. I decided to text my best friend Vanessa.

A- Hey I can't sleep you up?
V- No I'm practicing to be dead!
A- Sorry I just really need someone to talk to.
V- Is it about the Gilinsky and Shawn thing?
A- Yeah. My parents are driving me crazy!
V- I know. But I really think that you should date Shawn. I mean Gilinsky could really hurt you.
A- He won't I know he likes me.
V- Ok whatever you say. But I'm going to bed...... Night
A- Night.

I put my phone down on my bed. I got up and walked down stairs to get a glass of water. On the way down I saw my brother. Jack Johnson. Yes Gilinsky's best friend. That's one of the reasons why I can't date him. "Why are you up?" He asked me. "I can't sleep." I said. "Oh well get a cup of milk. It will help you fall asleep." He said to me. I nodded my head and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and the carton of milk. I poured it. I dank it down there. When I was done I ran back to my room. I had a text from Gilinsky.

G- Hey are you up?
A- Yeah why?
G- Because I can't sleep.
A- Oh well what do you want to talk about?
G- Well I need to ask you something.
A- Ok what is it?
G- Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?
A- Tomorrow? Yeah sure.
G- Kay night.
A- Night.

The Jack Gilinsky just asked me on a date. I can't believe this. I have to be dreaming. I can't tell anyone. But mostly my brother. If he finds out he'll kill Gilinsky then me.

*That Morning*

I woke up to my brother screaming at me. "Get up ya dumb bitch!" He yelled. "No I don't wanna." I said. "You don't want me to get a bucket of water do ya?" He said. "You wouldn't." I said. "How much you wanna bet." He said. With that I got up. "What you you want anyways?" I asked him. "I'm starving make me breakfast." He said. "So you woke me up just to make you breakfast?" I said to him. "Yuppp." He said. After that I went down stairs and started making scrambled eggs and bacon.

Finally I finished cooking. "Breakfast is done!" I yelled at him. "Thank god I thought I was going to die." He said as he was running down the stairs. We ate in silence. "So what are you doing today?" He asked me. "Nothing much just going to Vanessa's house." I lied. I hate lying to him. But sadly I have to. "Oh ok do you want me to drive you?" He asked me. "No I'm fine she'll pick me up." I said. Then I put my plate in the sink and ran upstairs. I had a text from Gilinsky.

G- Hey.
A- Hey.
G- I'll pick you up around 6:30. Is that ok?
A- Yeah that's perfect. See you soon bye.
G- Yeah bye.

It was 4:00. I can't believe how long I slept for. I picked out my outfit~ a black thigh high dress with lace sleeves, tan high heels, and a tan purse. Then I decided to I'll get in the shower and take a bath. By the time I was done it was 5:00. Then I got dressed put on make up and curled my hair. By the time I was done with that it was 6:20.

I ran down stairs and went outside to wait for Gilinsky. 5 minutes later he drove up and parked the car. He got our ran up the steps and handed me roses. I ran inside and put the roses in a vase. I walked back out. "You look beautiful." He said to me. "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself." I said as I started to blush. He was wearing a black button up shirt, kaki pants, and black vans. We walked to the car and he opened and closed the door for me. Then he got in. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "Oh I'm sorry but I can't tell you." He said in a oh so sexy voice. "Ok fine." I said. "It's gonna be a long drive. Why don't you take a nap." He said. I nodded my head and started to fall asleep.

"Hey Alaina get up. We are here." Gilinsky said to wake me up. "Oh we are I didn't even notice." I said. I checked my phone and it was 7:30. It took 1 hour to get here. "C'mon lets get out." He said to me. He got out and opened the door for me. You wouldn't believe where he took me.

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