Chapter 6

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*Alaina's POV*

As I ran to the car I saw Shawn. "Hey beautiful you look beautiful." He said with a chuckle after. "You look very handsome if I don't say so myself." I said with a little giggle. He was wearing black jeans and a red flannel. "God how he looked so fucking good in flannel's." I thought. "Thank you. You look really good in crop tops." He said laughing. "Oops I said that out loud ?" I said blushing. "Yeah you did." He said as he was starting to blush. "Well where are we going?" I asked him. "We are going to the movies." He said smiling. His smile was beautiful. It could make anyone happy. "What movie?" I asked him. "Ummm what movie do you want to see?" He asked me. " I wanna see The Mockingjay!" I screamed. "No I hate movies like that!" He yelled back. "Please I love movies like that! Do it for me please!" I yelled back at him. "Fine only if you stop yelling." He said as he started to chuckle. "Ok." I whispered. "I didn't say that you couldn't talk normal I just said stop yelling." He said as I started to laugh. When he started driving he grabbed my hand. I started to blush and he was smirking.

*At the movies*

"Can I have two adult tickets for The Mockingjay?" Shawn ask the guy at the ticket booth. "That'll be $20 please." The guy says to Shawn. "No Shawn I can pay for myself." I say. "No I'm gonna pay for you." He says looking down at me. "Ugh I hate your tallness." I say. He just laughs. The guy knocks on the window thingy. "Hey missy what's your number?" The guy asks me licking his lips. "Ummm your not in her league." Shawn says getting mad. "And you are?" The guy says to Shawn. "Yeah he is." I say as I kiss Shawn on the lips. The kiss was magical. At first Shawn was shocked but then he kissed back. "Um that's enough." The guy says back. Shawn smirks as he pays. "Wow our first kiss together." He says laughing. "Yeah I know. I'm sorry. That guy was just getting on my nerves." I say blushing. "It's okay." He says to me.

*Shawn's POV*

Alaina is so perfect. That kiss was just. I can't even explain it. I just can't believe it. She kissed me. I thought she was dating Jack but I guess not. I'm gonna ask her out. I hope she says yes. "Can I have a small popcorn and one Coke. Please." I said to the lady. She looked at me and smiled. "What's a handsome man like you doing with a little slut like her?" She asked me twirling her hair. "Um I'm sorry she's not a slut. She just happens to be my girlfriend." I say to her. "Oh if she is then kiss her." She said smirking. "Okay. I'll kiss him I don't mind. He is MY boyfriend." Alaina said as she pulled me in for a kiss. Again I can't even explain how the kiss was. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She denied. As she pulled away she bit my lip causing me to moan a little bit. "Ew that was gross. Here's your popcorn and soda. Now get out." The lady said looking grossed out. "Umm I have to pay?" I said giving her the 'what the fuck' face. "Oh yeah that's $17." She said. I payed. Me and Alaina walked into the movie theater.

*Alaina's POV*

Wow. Two kisses in a day with Shawn. What is Jack finds out? He will kill me. No he'll kill Shawn. When me and Shawn got into the theater we sat in the back row. "I really hate movies like this." He said to me. "Awe little baby. We can cuddle. Does that make things better?" I said to him in a baby voice. "Wanna know what would be way better than cuddling?" He asked me. "If we weren't watching this movie." He continued. "This movie isn't that bad. But I guess you don't want to cuddle though." I said to him laughing. "Aw c'mon. Can we please cuddle. I'll shut up if we can." He said. He pouted. "Fine." I laughed. I burred my head into Shawn's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. "This is perfect." I whispered. The movie started and Shawn groand. "Hey you said you would shut up if we cuddled and now you have to shut up." I said to him. "Ugh fine." He said like a little kid. We sat there in silence for a long time. Till I wanted more popcorn. "Shawn can you get me some popcorn?" I asked him. He nodded he got up and ran out.

*Shawn's POV*

I ran out to get Alaina more popcorn. As soon as I got the popcorn I saw one of the biggest sluts in my school. Ashley. She's so ugly. She saw me and walked over. "Hey Mendes. What are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm sorry I'm here with my girlfriend. Now bye." I said to her trying to walk away. "Who's your girlfriend?" She asked me. "You don't know her now bye." I said trying to walk away again. "Your not leaving me that fast." She said as she pushes me against a wall. She started to kiss me. I truned and slammed he against the wall. I got off of her. That's when I saw Alaina running away from me.

*Alaina's POV*

What was taking Shawn so long? I got up to go see where he was. When I walked out of the theater and I walked towards the bathroom's. I saw Shawn slam Ashley(the biggest slut in my school) against a wall. Tears fell from my eyes. I ran away from them. "Alaina wait!" I heard Shawn yell. "No leave me alone! Never talk to me again!" I yelled at him. "Let me explain!" He said still running after me. I had already ran out of the mall and I was making my way to Jacks house. Shawn was still chasing me. I had ran out of breath and I collapsed on the ground.

"Alaina are you ok?" I heard Shawn ask me. "Yeah I'm fine! Just leave me alone! Just go be with Ashley! You obviously love her! You never loved me!" I screamed at him. I started to run again but Shawn wrapped his arm around me. He started to sing 'Amnesia' by 5 Seconds of Summer to me.

"I drove by all the places we use to hang out getting wasted.

I thought about our last kiss how it felt, the way you tasted.

And even though your friends tell me your doing fine."

He stopped. I looked into his eyes and there was lust. He looked so sad. I couldn't leave him like that. I had to do something. I started to calm down. "Okay explain." I said in a serous tone. "Okay well I was walking back from getting you popcorn and I saw her. I tried to walk away from her but she saw me. She said 'Hey Mendes. What are you doing here?' And I told her that I was with my girlfriend and I tried to walk away from her. And then she said 'Who's your girlfriend?' And I said she doesn't know her. Because I don't want her to start shit with you. And then she said 'Your not leaving my that fast.' And then she grabbed me and pushed me against a wall and started kissing me. And I slammed her against the wall to get her off of me. And now we're here." He said. I really did believe him. "Okay I believe you. But if you ever do something like that ever again your dead. Trust me. I know people." I said. "Haha your funny." He said starting to laugh. "I'm not kidding. I can get you killed and no one would even realize that you were gone. Trust me. I don't lie." I said looking at him dead in the eye. "Remind me to never get you mad or upset." He said looking scared. "Your reminded. Now what do you want to do?" I asked him smiling. "Ummm lets go back to your house." He said helping me up. "Umm I don't really want to go to my house." I said looking down. "Why?" He asked me. "It's a really long story." I said still looking down. I didn't want to tell him that I was with Jack an my mom saw me kiss him and then she slapped me. "Let's go to your house." I said. "Yeah let's go get my car first." I nodded. We walked back to the mall hand in hand. It was silent but peaceful silence. We finally got back to the mall and we got in his car. And we drove off to his house.

Good or Bad boy? •Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky•Where stories live. Discover now