Chapter 20

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*Alaina's POV*

The next morning I woke up to my phone going crazy. I picked it up and saw it was twitter. I was getting followers after followers. It was crazy. I had tweets saying "OMG I loved your video! Your gorgeous! I wanna be just like you!" It's crazy what one video can do.

I looked at my vine and saw that I had 1.9 million followers. How could this have happened in one night?! "Jack!" I yelled. "Coming!" He yelled back.

He was running down the stairs. "What?" He asked. "Ummm did you get any followers on Twitter or vine or Instagram?" I asked him. "No. Not that I know of. I didn't check my phone yet. Why?" He said. "Cause look at mine!" I said handing him my phone. "Holy shit! How did that happen?!" He asked. "Well I posted a YouTube video last night. Then I did the vine. But I didn't think anyone would actually follow me. I didn't think I would become famous!" I yelled. "I'll be right back in gonna get my phone." He said as he walked upstairs.

I texted Shawn.

Me: Hey. I was wondering if you wanna hang out later.

Jack ran back down. "Woah! All of my social media is blowing up too!" He said. "It's crazy what one little thing can do to you." I said. "Yeah." He said.

Jack went back upstairs. That's when u got a text from Shawn.

Shawn: Yah we can hang out. What time? Anytime is good for me.

Me: In 30 minutes?

Shawn: yah

I got up and got dressed. I put on a black lace bralet, light washed high waisted shorts, and my gray vans.

I did my hair and bushed my teeth. I walked upstairs and waited for Shawn to tell me he was outside.

Shawn: I'm outside

"Bye Jack." I said. "Bye Alaina." He said. I walked out the front door and o Shawn's car.

"Hey Shawn." I said. "Hey Alaina." He said. "What do you want to do?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe a walk in the park." I said. He nodded.

We drove off to a park. When we got there we walked to the swing set. "So." He said. "So." I said. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He said. "Yes Shawn. I would love to." I said.

Some random girl ran up to me screaming. "Oh my god! It's really Alaina Johnson!" She kept screaming. "Hi." I said feeling a little awkward. "Oh my god! Can j have a picture with you?!" She yelled again. "Yeah." I said. "Shawn can you take it?" I asked him. He nodded.

He took her phone and backed away from me and her. I hugged the girl. "What's your name by the way?" I asked her. "It's Noah." She said. "Hi Noah nice to meet you." I said. "Oh and Noah what's your Twitter, Instagram, Vine, and number?" I asked her. "Oh my god are you gonna like follow me and text and call me?!" She yelled. "Yah." I said. "Well my Instagram and Twitter and Vine are the same @noahjones97 and my number is (868)- 357- 6427 (random number please don't call it cause it is not my number)." She said. I followed her on Twitter and Instagram and Vine then I added her number into my contacts. I texted her to make sure it was her.

Me: Its Alaina. And please don't give my number to anyone.

Noah: Okay

"What was that about?" Shawn asked. "Well I posted a video on YouTube last night and a Vine and I guess now I'm famous." I said. "Wow. It's crazy that social media can do you you." He said. "Yah. Wanna make a vine?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. I pulled out my phone and made one.

"Hey guys! It's me. This is my friend Shawn Mendes. Go follow him. @shawnmends" When I finished I posted it.

"Well let's watch you get famous now." I said. "Yeah." He said.

We walked back to his car hand in hand. He drove me home.

"Bye Shawn." I said. "Bye babe." He said. I walked up on the porch and walked inside. I heard Shawn speed off.

"Hi Jack. Bye Jack." I said walking downstairs. I changed into pjs and later down in bed.


Well yeah

I decided to make her become famous

And Jack

And maybe Shawn




Good or Bad boy? •Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky•Where stories live. Discover now