Chapter 17

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*Alaina's POV*

I woke up to Shawn moving in the bed. And no we didn't do anything we just feel asleep cuddling. "Sorry for waking you." He said. "It's fine." I said.

Someone started banging on the door downstairs. "I'll be right back." Shawn said graving a shirt and starting to walk down stairs.

*Shawn's POV*

I start walking downstairs as I put on my shirt. I make it to the door and my shirt is fully on. I see that it's Jack. I open the door for him.

"Hey Jack." I say. "Did you fucking have sex with her?!" He yells. "Yes. Motherfucker. She enjoyed my 9.1. " I say laughing. He raised his fist and punched me.

*Alaina's POV*

"Did you fucking have sex with her?!" I hear someone yell I think it's Jack. I walk downstairs only to see Jack punch Shawn.

"Jack stop!" I yell. "No I'm not going to. You fucking had sex with him!" He yells back at me. "The fuck?! No! And why would you care if I did?! We are over!" I yell. He looks broken.

*Jack's POV*

"The fuck?! No! And why would you care if I did?! We are over!" She yells. I have lost the most important thing in my life. And I can't get her back. The fact that I can't get her back kills me.

"So you never had sex with him?" I ask. "No never. Where did you get that idea?" She ask. "Well Shawn said that. He said 'Yes. Motherfucker. She enjoyed my 9.1.' thats why I started flipping out." I said. "Shawn why would you say that?!" She yelled. "I don't know. I just find it funny that he thinks that you would actually have sex with me." Shawn says. "Well still don't say that." She says.

*Alaina's POV*

By now Jack had left. "Well I'm gonna go home and get changed." I said. "No don't leave me." Shawn said. "Well I have to go Shawn. Bye." I said walking out the front door.

I started my car and drove off to Jack's house. Good thing Jack lives close to Shawn.

I was halfway there when I got a call from Jack. His contact was still 'Babe😍💪🏽😘' I needed to change that.

"What do you want?" I asked as I answered the phone. "You. I want you." He said. "Jack are you high?" I asked. "What no. Maybe." He said. God he's always high. "Ugh Jack. I'm on my way to your house." I say. "Okay. See you soon babe." He says. He hung up.

I made it to his house. I walked in and there he was smoking with Sammy. "Sammy get out now!" I yell. "No why should I?" He said. "Cause I fucking said so!" I yelled. "Fine fine." He said. He got up and walked out.

"Jack why? Why do you smoke?" I asked. "I don't know Alaina. I guess it's to get my mind off of you." He says. "Jack. I don't know what to say." I say. "Alaina, just stop. You don't love me." He says. "Jack stop. I do love you and I always will. It's just you don't trust me. You think I'm the type of girl to cheat. And I'm not. I'm sorry. But I don't think I can forgive you again." I say as I start to cry. "I understand." He says getting up and walking to his room.


Well Alaina and Jack are no more

Probably for good

Only a few more chapters left

Like 6 I think. And then a epilogue.

Wow this is just wow.




Good or Bad boy? •Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky•Where stories live. Discover now