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««𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞.. 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭... 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞»»

every single case is connected with advika, they both tara and advika were best friends, and advika wanted to take revenge on Tara, maybe is she the one who set up all this? or is it?

So let us take a flashback to her birthday party,

Year- 2019 time:4'o clock in the morning, date-15 April

"maybe throwing a party was a bad idea," Tara said to herself, as the party turned into a mess and advika was drunk , she was saying about life "and listen in my life... there... was.. a...friend... who always....was...rude...to...me... and....use to..be...angry...at...me... every...single... time... for no reason! and you know who is that girl.. tara!" advika said, tara felt bad, she was feeling gulity.

but she knows that she can not turn back, she had mad a mistake. tara took her car keys and went to the riverbed.

and Now we know what had happened to tara on her birthday, but has tara made a mistake? and what about advika? what she did? taking everything from her, making her hate herslef.

everyone will see that this is a tara mistake, but advika? they both did not do anything, tara had not easy trust in people thanks to Usha, Jivika, and Diya. and advika was a sweet soul who loved her ex-boyfriend Rudra.

every love, let it be in a relationship, family friends it has a good and a bad side. it has many factors love, trust, and let's add one more to the list Self-love, self-care

 we love our family so much that we can do anything for them! we love our friendship so much that if we make a mistake it breaks like glass. and nowadays we are seeing love in a couple, but do you think it is love?

trust, in every relationship they should have trust, people work so hard to earn the trust but in 1 second gone! and the fight between love and trust self love and self-care is most important, to do all this we stop caring about our self and it affects us mentally, seeing your mistakes in front of your eyes, the past it may be hard but you must have a habit of it.

You must be thinking that shabana must have talked to Advika or no? so here is your answer. yes she did, advika told everything that had happened between her and tara, she felt guilty because advika thought that she is responsible for everything, but then Shabana explained to her that tara was also feeling the same, she wanted your last and final sorry but after that night. 

tara must have give up, because she realized that there is no such thing is last.. the life goes on.. the mistakes which we all made come behind everyone's back and we can never take it off. after the death or suicide of tara everyone who hurt her the people fliter, mask is removed. apart from advait.

well time to visit Shaurya and Advika's wedding.

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