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Kyle's POV

"Bubbie! Wake up, it's time for school! You're gonna be late!" I hear my mom yelling downstairs. I struggle to wake up. After awhile, I managed to open my eyes. What the hell was that dream? I look at my phone. 6:46. "Ugh." I finally get up and walk to the bathroom. God, what an ugly ass motherfucker. I thought to myself, looking at the mirror. Awesome, now I can't remember what my dream was. I sigh.

I search for my toothbrush along with the other toothbrushes. Whoops. Wrong one. I released the one I was about to grab and grabbed the right one, the one thats mine. "We really need to get a different colored toothbrush." Ike's toothbrush was all messy and about to fall apart, like they were social distancing, while mine was all neat and still wet from last night. Yikes, I really need to start going to bed early.


"Hi, mom. Hi, dad. Hey, Ike." I say as I walk downstairs, fixing up my green hat. Mom was cleaning up Ike's finished plate. Dad was looking at the newspaper as usual. And Ike was drinking up his glass of water. As he drank his first sip, his face beams up as soon as I sit at the table. "Kyle! 'Morning!" ...What?

"Uh, hey. You seem to be in a good mood for your first day of school." I look down at my plate. Nice. Challah toast, shawarma, and eggs. (Idk I just searched up 'Jewish breakfasts' bc I don't know much about Jewish people ;-;) "That's 'cuz you're here now!" Ike smiles widely. "Uhh. Okay?" What's up with him? He isn't this friendly unless he wants something, like a favor. "Okay, turd. What do you want?" I sigh. "What are you talking about?" Ike tilts his head in an odd way. "Usually you act nice when you want something from me. What is it?" "Kyle, I don't want anything from you! I'm just happy to see you!" "Uh-huh..." Yeah, right.

Is he going through puberty or something? He wasn't like this yesterday.

I finish up my breakfast and grab my backpack, wanting to stay away from Ike's strange behavior. I kiss mom and dad goodbye as I walk to the bus stop.

Huh. No one is here yet. Usually, Stan and Kenny are the ones here first. While Cartman is late as he found out some dumb bullcrap. I barely look around and see much more snow than usual. The snow is getting thicker these days. I wonder if I could make some money shoveling people's-

"Gah! Kyle!" I jump from the sudden voice behind me. I turn around. It was Stan, behind the snow...? "When did you get here– I mean, how long have you been here?" He stammers. I look at him confusedly. "I just got here." I got raised an eyebrow then looked over to see him just hiding a crushed pile of snow underneath his hands. "Uhhh...were you making a mini snowman or something?" His face is flushed. God knows how long he was sitting there for him to get red from the cold.

(Stan looks dumb lol) (wait also I just realized that I drew them in their elementary clothes SH!T)

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(Stan looks dumb lol) (wait also I just realized that I drew them in their elementary clothes SH!T)

"Dude, how long have you been sitting there? Your face is as red as a tomato." Also as my hair. "Huh? Oh– I mean, I've been here since 6: 50, since I got kicked out by Shelly, who was in a bad mood. Probably got her period or something." Stan stands up, scratching the back of his neck. "Dang, must be hard for you to be living with her 24/7." I chuckle. Stan mutters something quiet that I couldn't hear. "What?" "It's nothing, lol." No, he literally said 'lol'. He says some things like that whenever he's anxious or something. Am I making him uncomfortable?

The height difference between me and Stan has gotten bigger over the years. I mean, I'm not surprised, based on how much he plays football to live up to his parents expectations or something. How come I'm not tall as him? I mean, I play basketball sometimes, that ought to make me taller than I already am.

"K-Kyle?" Shoot, I didn't realized I was staring. "Oh, sorry. I was spacing out." I scoot back. "It's fine, I don't mind– I mean, I do mind, but not in a bad way-"


A sudden pain and coldness begins to attack the back of my head. "Argh, dude?! What the fuck?!" I turn around touching the back of my head, only to see snow and...ice?! I look up and to see Eric fucking Cartman. "You fucking fatass, did you just throw ice at me?!" "Dude! Not cool!" Stan yells. Cartman laughs his fatass off for a hot minute. "What the heck is wrong with you? I probably have a concussion now!" I yell, grabbing his collar. Great, he's also tall now.

"Oh, stop overreacting, ya sneaky jew. You're fine, I didn't even hit you that hard, it was just snow." He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, filled with ice!" He clicks his tongue, grabbing my hand that was holding his collar. "You're lucky I didn't fill the snowball with pee ice." This little-

Then someone kicks the back on his shin. Cartman yelps in pain, kneeling down holding his leg. "Kenny?! What the f?!" I look behind him to see Kenny with his hood down. He now had one of his ear pierced, and he still had his parka, just wearing it around his waist. Instead of covering his entire face with it, he's now wearing a mask. He's a lot more vocal, too. Well, at least more than he used to be.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see." He pulls his mask down, smiling. I give him a little wave and a smile, Stan gives him a fist bump while Cartman is still glaring at him. "Fuckin' poor bitch." "It's nice to see you, too, fatass." Kenny snarls. Kenny takes a good moment looking at me and my body. Shit.

"I see Stan and Cartman changed over the years, but you haven't changed at all." He laughs, ruffling my hat. "Hey, don't touch it! I haven't brushed my hair this morning, asshole!" I say, playfully punching his arm. "But you still have your strength, I see." He chuckles abit. "Ha, so you noticed! I took boxing classes with Tweek the other day, and he's still strong as ever." I say, flexing my arm. "Wait, you met up with Tweek?" Stan asks. Huh...? Did I? It just came out of my mouth all of a sudden.

"Y-yeah, I think so." "You think so?" Stan raises an eyebrow. Strange. I don't remember hanging out with Tweek. Why did I say that–? "Ngh-!" I groan from pain. "Kyle! Are you okay?" What the hell? "Yeah. Just, my head hurts for some reason." Even Cartman glances at me. "Bro, you're looking pale. Maybe you should go back home, it could get worse." Kenny holding my arm. Stan frowns at him, then looks back at me. "Yeah, Kenny's right. You have to go home, dude. I'll walk you there-" "I said I'm fine." I moan, pinching the bridge of my nose. What the hell is this?

Thankfully, the bus finally arrived. "C'mon, we're late– uh, is this young lad alright?" The bus driver asks. I've never seen him before. Must be a new driver. "Uh, I don't think so, but he insists on going to school." Stan responds. "Stan, seriously, I'm fine." I'm really not. I just don't want to be absent on my first day of highschool. Looking like the new kid is fucking stressing. The bus driver looks unconvinced. "Fine, get on. We're already late. Just don't throw up in my bus, aight?" "Okay..." I weakly reply. I get on the seat that's available, I wanted to get on the front seats, but they're taken, and I don't wanna go through the trouble asking them to move just because of a stupid headache.

Stan and Kenny help me get to a seat, and we spotted Token and Clyde. "Oh, hey, guys– what's happened to Kyle?" Clyde asks. "The stupid jew is faking being sick just to be treated like a princess." Cartman responds for me, sitting in front of me. I wanted to kick his ass, but my head is in too much pain can't even get up and move. "Shut up, Cartman, you're probably the reason why Kyle's like this!" Stan points at him angrily. "He is?" Token looks confused. "Earlier, Cartman threw a snowball that was probably ice at him. And now he has a headache." Stan touches my forehead to check if I have a fever, I think. "Cartman, what the hell?" Token looking annoyed. Token then looks around to see junk, and to throw it at him. "Augh! Token, what the fuck?!" Token had threw a tissue filled with used up gums. "That was for throwing a stupid rock at me back in 3rd grade!" "Dude, that was years ago, let it go, dude!" Cartman argues with him.

"No way, you made a bruise at my stomach that lasted 3 weeks! My parents were nagging me about it!" "Token, you black asshole, that was Kyle's fault, wasn't it?!" Oh, boy.

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