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The sound of what sounded like a gun shot echoed across the small bathroom, causing me to jump incredibly. "H-holy Moly! W-what in the hamburgers was that?!" Butters shrieked. "Shh! Quiet, Butters!" I harshly shushed him out of impulse, I have a bad feeling about this. He then quickly shuts his mouth by slapping both of his hands towards his mouth, desperately trying to not utter a sound. I confirmed it was silent for a while, until we both hear a grown man yelling, his voice being muffled as we were a bit far from him. Me and Butters looked at each other hesitantly, and nodded. I quickly take the lead, creeping behind the wall that blocked the main room's sight as Butters follows my lead. We got crept closer, and closer until we could hear the man's voice clearly. "- Alright," I could make out. "Everyone, on your knees! This is a robbery!" "Oh, for fuck sake." I pinch the bridge of my nose in disappointment, groaning, I must be copying Stan's habit, now. "W-wha? What is it, Kyle?" Butters asks. I glanced back at him in complete annoyance. "It's a robbery. Again." "Oh, crap, a robbery, again? That's the f-fourth time thi- this week! I can't get home late, my parents'll g-ground me!" He says in distress, rubbing his knuckles together.

"Oh, and except for you, the woman in the bun." The man demanded, again with a hoarse voice. The woman whimpers, clearly sounding petrified. "M-me?" I could hear the aggression in the man's voice as he lets out an indignant croak as he grinds his teeth.

"Who the fuck else would I be talking to, huh? You see any other women with their buns tied up? Ah?" The man growled. Jesus, talk about anger issues. "N-no, sir!" The woman shrilled, accidentally cracking her voice. "Tsk. Whatever. Just get your bitch ass over here. Hey, who's the damn manager here?" "I-I am..." Another voice enters in, it sounds like an old man, seems like he's the manager. "Please– please let me go, we'll give you as much as money you want, just- please let me live! You can just kill that Mexican boy over there! " The old man sobbed, pointing at David, begging, even. What- "What?!" David emphasized. The main guy narrows his eyebrows. "What, no, I'm not a racist, what are you, a fucking douche..." His voice tunes out as I peaked over through the wall cautiously, seeing there were... one, two, three, four, five... seventeen hostages, including Kenny, and David, on their knees with shaken expressions. Ah, fuck.

I take a quick glimpse at the main guy that seems to be taking the lead, he had a buzz cut with auburn hair, a grimacing stub, and a black eye patch under his right eye, he looks so confident in himself that he's not even bothering to cover his face, unlike his other lackeys. Not gonna lie, he looks like a humanized character from a video game Ike plays. There were four more guys behind him, all wearing different setting masks. "Just shut up!" The main robber commanded, immediately shutting the old man up. He looks like he's enjoying frightening the hell out of him. I would say 'poor guy', if it weren't for his proposal.

"Okay, okay, how about this. From now on, I'm calling you 'Fucktard'. And when I call Fucktard, I expect you to answer, you got that?" He requested, the manager affirms him with a quick nod. "Now that's more like it. Now, Fucktard, how about you show us where the vault is, yeah?" "Yes! Yes, of course...! Just, please don't damage the building..." The manager stammers, rubbing both of his hands in a merciful manner. The main-eyepatched-guy glanced over his shoulder, making a slight movement with his head, and gesturing another one of the robbers with a clown mask to keep an eye on the manager.

"Hey, you. Go follow him, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." The other robber gives him a nod, and shoves the manager with his gun." "Let's go. I'll shoot you, too, if you won't cooperate." He muffled through his mask, the manager hastily nods, and guides mister-clown-man to the back room. "And you," The main guy glares back at the woman in the bun with menacing eyes. I glimpse around my surroundings, seeing how there's two more people in the same green-like uniform, I assume they're workers here. "Get all of the money out of the ATMs, and if you resist even the slightest, we're gonna shoot one of these hostages." He abruptly then aims his gun at... oh, shit. "One by one." He grunts. "Oh, no, no, no, K-Kenny...!" Butters breathes out quietly, right behind my neck. Kenny jolts for suddenly being a target, out of everyone, then desultorily rolls his eyes. "Oh, and here's a bag for filling up these guys phones, we don't want any of them to call the cops."

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