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It's finally Friday. I press my finger against the door bell. Ding dong! I wait for a couple of minutes before looking back at the paper. 30124 Avenue Bonanza Street. Did I get the wrong house? I glanced back up at the house number plate, uhm, no, it doesn't say it's wrong. I got to miss Stei... Stephanie's house way earlier than I intended to, and it's been eating me up like crazy. I fiddle with Tweak's scarf around my neck.

I playfully shift by feet with the snow, then finally thought that maybe she wasn't home, if they weren't answering the last four door bells I rang. I stagger in embarrassment, sincerely disappointed in myself for not possibly thinking of that sooner. Of course she's not home, she's a fucking nurse at our school. Obviously, she would be at school before us. I scratched the back of my neck before scurrying towards the mailbox, putting the paper, or letter, I don't know, I haven't read what it was besides who it was for, most likely a will, in their mail box. Just as I was about to head on with my day, I heard a small 'clack' behind me. "Ack, so sorry! Yes, what is it you need..."

The voice trails off as I stared back at the person. It took her a moment to recognize it was me. "Oh! It's you!" Miss Stei... Stephanie called, she looks chipper, considering it's the first thing in the morning, like I'm to talk when I'm at her door at eight in the morning. She was in her nurse clothing, or whatever you call it, seeing how her hair was still messy, she must've been getting ready. She had heavy eye bags underneath her eyes, I do recall she's been diagnosed with insomnia, so I don't think she even slept a wink at all for her to have such bags. I agitatedly snapped out of my thoughts, then frown, disturbed at myself for analyzing her without consent.

"Uh– what's your name, again? Broflovski– something?" She interjected. When I was about to answer, she held up her hand, and I closed my mouth as she held a brooding expression. "Wait! Don't tell me your name, I'm gonna guess it..." Have I even told her my name before? "Umm... Smitty!" She chirped, pointing towards me. "No, that was the other guy. I'm-" "Wait, Isaac, isn't it?" "No, that was also the other guy." She sighs, rubbing her eyes, rubbing away her fatigue. Seems like she's not fully awake, yet, "Oh, dear, apologies. I'm not very good with names, ha ha..." I raise both brows, empathizing her. "Actually, I don't think I have told you my name..." I corrected. After all, she only asked for my last name back in the office. When she held up her gaze, she cackles awkwardly. "Oh! Uh, ha ha! That– this is awkward." I sigh silently at the silly teen, yet, soon to be adult. "It's Kyle." I crooned. "Right! Okay, Kyle Broflovski! I'm gonna try to remember that," She continues. "So, uh, what brings you here..." She scans back her house clock. "... Eight in the morning?"

My eyes narrow, not feeling too sure about telling her that her father just died, in a ridiculous bank robbery, to be exact. "Right, uhm... I was just about to give you something..." I walked back to the mail box, and handed her the slip of paper. She just examines the piece of paper in her hand, then focused back on to me, her brows faltering. "Uh, look, Kyle. I'm flattered, but I'm not too sure about dating a fourteen year old-" I widen my eyes. "What? No!" I interrupted her before she says any more. "That isn't a love letter, hell no!" I hissed, shaking my head violently.

"I was sent to give you this! It was from your dad!" Her eyes went wide while her eyebrows lifted. Oops. She glares down back at the paper, crumbling the poor thing a bit. We both stayed silent for a few minutes, until she lets out a strangled question. "... Why?" She finally blurted in puzzlement and annoyance. I bit the insides of my cheek before answering. "Uhm, I'm not sure if it'll be weird coming from me, but, uh... your– uh. Your father died. Yesterday." Nailed it, I sardonically thought. I watched as her smile faded, when she peered up, I could see her clench her fists she wasn't trying so hard to hide, then she nervously smiled, showing her pale teeth, like what you expect from a nurse, but I kind of expected it to have some flaws.

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