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"Alright, so, here's the deal, asshole," Trent hissed, whirling me around, and harshly grabbing me by my wrist as soon as Samuel started walking away. "I still haven't forgiven you for what you, and your little friends have done to me." He says, placing his other arm on his waist. "But- I'll propose a bet. Just for you." He flashed an evil grin. I grit my teeth, and yanked my arm away. "And why the hell should I accept it? I don't even know what the fuck I did to you." I emphasized, subtly rubbing my wrist. Of course, I know I didn't do anything wrong to this guy. But, his eyebrows were slightly raised, as if he was surprised by what I was saying. That made me second-guess myself, just by the look of his face.

He scans my eyes, searching for lies, but it looked like he found nothing, and knew I was telling the truth. He lets out a long sigh. "You don't remember, huh..." He muttered, rubbing his nape. I think that somehow made him even more angry, but relents. "Whatever, that's not the point right now." He rolls his head over to me, and sighs, again. He licks his lips before speaking. "I'll tell you what. I'll let you guys off the hook, hell, I'll even forget the whole incident, and let you, and your loser friends join the team. But, only– if you beat me in basketball. You just gotta get past through me, and score. That's all you gotta do."

I blink. What... is that it? I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't figure out the right words. I assumed what 'we' did was big, even if I don't remember it, but, I guess not. 'Let us join the team'? Does he think he's some sort of captain, or something? I hesitantly glanced over to the Stan, Cartman, and Kenny. Their faces paled, even they didn't know what was going on, especially the other people watching. We all just stayed quiet, until a few seconds later, Cartman spoke up.

"And, how do we know you'll keep your word?" He asks. "Dude!" Kenny swished his head to Cartman, his words mostly muffled by his mask. Stan kicks the back of Cartman's leg, causing him to yelp out a 'fuck'. "Are you seriously-" He suddenly stops. He takes one look at Trent, who had one eyebrow raised, then nervously chuckled. "Will you just... excuse us for a moment." Stan smiled, slowly pulling me away. Trent rolls his eyes. "Make it quick." We ended up huddling in a circle, weirdly, like, we're in a football team, I don't know. Stan turns to Cartman. "Are you seriously considering this? This is Trent Boyett we're talking about!" He says, again, his voice now lower than last time.

Before one of them could speak another word, I immediately interrupted them. "Wait, wait, wait. Before we get in to this, I just have a few questions- who the fuck is that guy, how do you know him, and why are we," I exaggerate the word 'we'. "So afraid of him? What did we even do?" I interrogated hastily, and quietly. I don't even know why we are whispering, when Trent was right there. Kenny looks at me weirdly. "Um, Trent Boyett? The guy we fucked over back in fourth grade?" He claimed, forcing me to recall back to elementary school. "Do you not remember?"

"I mean, to be fair, we fucked a lot of kids over." I honestly said, almost mumbling. "Yeah, that was fun." Cartman snorted. "But, anyway, I didn't expect your jew brain to forget, since your kind have terrifyingly good memory." "Hey, watch it." Cartman rolls his eyes at me. "What? It's a compliment." "How the fuck is that a compliment when you called my people terrifying?" "I said, 'your kind has terrifyingly good memory', jew. Get your musty ears checked." Just as I was about to lunge over him as I unconsciously cracked my knuckles, Stan snaps his fingers at us. "Guys, focus." He sighs, then turns to me.

"Remember miss Claridge?" I took a moment to remember the name, then the memory popped up, like a light bulb. I let out a slight gasp, guilt now washing over me. "Uhm, yeah, that teacher from pre-school, right?" My eyebrows furrowed. "What does that have to do with anythi-" Then, we heard the sound of a basketball bouncing up, and down. "Okay, time's up." We heard from behind. We looked over to see Trent now bouncing a basketball with a nonchalant look on his face.

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