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Clyde, Kenny, and I were watching a short film about the development of technology, like this was some sort of history class, when my phone buzzed in my pocket, signifying I've gotten a message from Coonstagram. I glanced up at the teacher, seeing Mister Mulroy not paying attention to the film, but reading a book, instead. I swiftly take it out of my pocket, expecting it to be the guys, not paying attention in class, and probably bored out of their minds, but my forehead creased in confusion when I read the name on top of the notification screen.


Craig? As in... Craig Tucker? I arch an eyebrow. What does he want? I wiped my eyes to see if my mind was playing tricks on me, but, what do you know, it's not a trick. I felt a sudden wave of nerves. Instead of just accepting it, I stupidly look around to see if anyone was pulling a stupid prank on me, which, of course, backfires. Clyde was sort of oblivious to the film we were watching, and Kenny wasn't paying attention to the film at all, he was just making small finger movements, as if he was playing a guitar.

Sometimes, I wished I was more laid-back, like them, and lighten up a bit instead of being so up-tight all the time. I shook my head slightly, trying to get rid of the pointless thoughts, and bought my attention back towards my phone. To be fair, Craig rarely texts, or even talks to me, we only interacted as a group, along with the other guys. I hesitantly open up my phone, tapped on the notification, and it brings me to my message box. I skim through Craig's text while making sure I don't get caught by Mister Mulroy.


I stared, and blinked at it for quite a long time, puzzlement flashing across my face, until I gained the thought of Craig, probably thinking that I was leaving him on read. I quickly snapped myself out of it, straightened my back, and was about to type in my reply, but, then realized that I didn't exactly know what to say to him. What do I even say to that? 'Hello'? 'Hey' back? I momentarily say, and do nothing. I lean in to my hand, Craig was definitely thinking I was leaving him hanging now. I blinked an eye roll, then lazily typed in my response.


I wasn't too sure if the question mark was really necessary, but it expressed my confusion, and the other punctuation marks didn't exactly cut it for me. I watched my phone for several long minutes, waiting for a response. A few moments later, when I didn't get a reply back, I frowned my eyebrows, rolled my eyes, then turned off my phone as I put it back in my pocket. I figured that Craig accidentally texted the wrong person, and had just realized it.

I was staring off in space, deflating into my chair, when a few seconds later, I get a notification, my phone slightly vibrating my leg. I arched a brow as I eyed my pocket, skeptical, but curious. I once, again, pulled out my phone, and checked my notifications. Craig, again. By the time I opened up my phone, I was getting pretty annoyed, but more confused. Is he doing this on purpose? I read Craig's reply, expecting it saying, 'wrong person'.

'Are you free tomorrow after school'

I blink philosophically. I... guess not. A few seconds later, after picking on my nails, staring at my screen, my phone radiating light, and flashing my skin a bit, I finally typed in my answer.

'I think you got the wrong person, dude'

Three dancing dots appeared on my screen, then disappeared. I waited for them to re-appear, again, but they didn't. I assumed that was the end of... whatever that was, so, as I was about to turn off my phone, it suddenly buzzes in my hands. I looked at it blankly, then sighed. I opened up the app, again.

'No, I don't think so, Kyle'

My head slightly withdraws from surprise, my eyes now fully awake. Okay...? I sit up. I scratch the back of my neck, even though I wasn't feeling itchy, mostly because I didn't know what to do with my hands. I reluctantly reply to his text.

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