6 (ig idk lmao srry)

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"Kyle?" I turn around by habit because of the voice it belonged to.

Shit, just the person I wanted to see.

"H-heyy, Stan..." I utter, forcing a fiddly smile. He looks at me awkwardly then scratches the back of his neck. "Hey." He mutters as his eyes trails off to the ground. Yikes. Shit, did I upset him? Of course I did, I yelled at him without warning when he was trying to explain shit. So did the other guys. They're probably more mad than upset. Oh Jesus, how will I confront them? Will they even talk to me anymore? Stop being such a drama queen, Kyle. Of course they'll talk to you, they're your friends, they can't be mad at you forever just for a little, stupid argument. But what if they won't? Shut up, you shithead. Stop being like this for once in your life!

I shake my head only for Stan to get a weird look towards me. "So uh. What... happened to you?" I get confused for a moment, only for me to realize he was talking about my injuries from the fight from those New York kids. "Oh, uh- I just... kinda got into a fight. Crazy, huh?" I touch my face that was covered in bandages. His face tells me 'on your first day?' "...Yeah."

Okay, fuck this. "Soo... about what happened at the cafeteria..." "...Yeah." Uh oh, he's still keeping his answers short. Abort! Abort!

"...Okay, look- I'm sorry I yelled at you guys at lunch... I guess I haven't been sleeping well these days... and I-I know that isn't an excuse, but I just wanted to apologize." He looks at me stunned, then puts his finger near his mouth, looking like he's trying to search what to say. "No, no, it's my fault that I haven't confronted you about it. I can't believe I was convinced by those rumors. Sorry." "Dude, no- it's- I'm the one who's sorry-" We all kept apologizing back and forth like Monkey In The Middle until Stan's last quiet 'sorry' and stayed silent, looking anywhere but at eachother.

"So... it's your fault then?" I say, breaking the unbearable silence. He looks at me, face widened. He then chuckles and comes closer to me, gently nudging my arm. "You jackass." "Shut up, dickhead." I nudge him back but harder. We both laugh quietly for a bit. Oh, thank God, he's not mad. How could he be mad, we've been friends since... forever. I hope those guys have the same reaction as Stan did.

"Hey, are the guys still mad at me or something?" I ask, starting a conversation. He glances at me, then looks at away, thinking for an answer. Yep, they're definitely mad at me. "Ugh, what am I saying, of course they are..." I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose for the 100th time today. "Well... they're not exactly mad, just... surprised." He responds, taking his time for the last word. I hum for a reply. I take out my phone to see the time. 3:06. I wonder if they're still here. "What I'm more surprised is how much drama we had on the first day of here. I'm not sure how we will survive highschool." Stan laughs as he ruffles his black hair. I chuckle as a reply. "We survived middle school. We will be fine." He looks at me comfortly, making me smile back as well.

As we both reach at the end of the hall, we see Kenny, Cartman and Butters hanging out beside the building. Or- at least that was how it looked like. Kenny was leaning against a wall, Cartman kicking rocks at Butters while he was standing on a skateboard while yelling at him- skateboard?

Kenny notices us both and pulls his mask down. "Kyle! Stan! Hey...!" He says in a somewhat surprised tone. Cartman and Butters looks up as well. Cartman looks at Stan and me, then just look back down at the sidewalk, and Butters gleams up, smiling. "Oh, boy! I-I guess we aren't arguing anymore!" Me and Stan look at eachother. "No, Butters. We're not fighting anymore." I give a small smile to him. He whispers a loud 'yes' under his breath. Kenny gives out a sigh that sounds like relief while Cartman just rolls his eyes and scoffs.

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