21 (Stan's Birthday Special)

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A month has already passed. It's been a while since school started, and unsurprisingly, I don't feel so different compared to how I felt before it started. I'm not sure whether or not if I was supposed to feel any different, but for some reason, I'm glad I stayed that way. School hasn't been that bad, either. I mean– sure, William, and his gang still picks on us ever since Cartman had provoked him, but for the most of the time, it's not much of a bumpy road, to tell you the truth.

But, that's not the point right now. What matters right now, is the current bumpy road ahead of me– Stan's birthday, that's also only today. And so far, everything's been a total disaster. Not because Cartman's being stubborn, and won't cooperate, saying he 'won't participate in such hippie activities', no.

It's because Stan hates birthdays. And as far as I know, Stan has always hated these kind of days, I don't know why, or when it started, but it always made me sort of sad, to be honest. Sometimes, when other people mention his birthday besides us guys, Stan gets all cranky, and sad all of the sudden, especially as he got older.

I don't think anyone really knows why he gets like that, but I think I kind of get the gist of it. He doesn't want to get older, I get it, but someday, he has to realize that you can't run away from these things– it's just what happens in life. But, I, at least want to make today memorable for him. I want him to realize that not everything is black, and white. We told our 'Happy Birthdays' to Stan, but he made an expression I expected him to make- sadness. It made me kind of... scared. Scared that Stan's birthday party will go wrong.

I immediately rushed home right after school finished. I told the guys, besides Stan, that I was gonna work on Stan's birthday party. We're holding his party at Kidzone Roller Rink, where lots of memories happened there, like the time when Clyde got his first kiss there, or when Bebe decided to cut her hair, or when Stan, and Wendy were still together.

Kenny weirdly told me to take it easy, and that the party isn't gonna start any time soon. It felt weird to me. He wasn't wrong, it's just I always did work immediately by the time I got home, since we're in high school now, and they always give out tons of homework. But whenever I wasn't doing any work, whether it's school related, or helping mom out, I felt like I was wasting my time, doing absolutely nothing.

Sure, I do play video games, and basketball, but it always felt time consuming to me, like, if I played around too much, I'll turn out to be a moron, you know? That's what mom used to say. She doesn't say it much, anymore, but it was always stuck in my head. And now that Stan's birthday is today, I felt like if I fooled around, I wouldn't take this seriously, and crash his birthday party. The only thing I was pretty good at was passing tests, exams, school, you name it, but never anything else.

I felt like passing school was the only thing I could do in life, and I'll just end up in a dead cubicle, just like everyone else. Yeah, I like basketball, but I don't intend to be a basketball player, it's just a hobby of mine. Maybe I should join a basketball club, or something...maybe that'll help me get in to University... This is kind of sad now that I think about it. I wasn't like this when I was younger. Maybe hanging out with Stan rubbed off of me. I paused, then shaked my head as I set my backpack on to my bed.

Focus, Kyle. Quit moping around, it's one of your best friend's birthday today, and you don't wanna mess it up. My clenched as I slapped myself in the face. I collapsed on to my bed, and boot my laptop on, just to see if the reservation is still there. I eye the clock from my laptop screen. 4:05. Only an hour until Stan's party. I darted my eyes towards my gift, all wrapped around. For his birthday present, I had gotten him a video game he had wanted for ages, and a specialized stuffed toy that exactly looked like his late pet, Sparky.

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