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"What's wrong? Too much of a pussy to eat it?" William continues, poking Isaac with a spoon with the mixed substances on it. He leans in closer to him, whispering something. When I say 'eat it', you eat it." He glares. That son of a bitch! Of course he would be a 'pussy' to eat it! Who would want to eat that?! I scowl at the back of William's head. "Hey-" Just as I was about to stop them, a hand lands on my shoulder. I turn my head, seeing Clyde's face filled with curiosity. "Dude, what happened?" He asks as if he's not seeing it right now in front of him. "It's this guy again." He looks at me awkwardly. "The leader of one of the minions you beat up?" I get caught off guard by his ridiculous remark. "What, no– I wouldn't say leader-" "So he is." I jump at the sudden voice near my ear. It was Cartman with Butters and Token with him. "What the– when did you guys get here-" Cartman brushes me off, then takes a good look at William making fun of Isaac.

"He doesn't look like much." He blurts out loudly. William pauses. He turns his head from Isaac, deadly gazing at the people around them. Shit, he heard us! I turn my head to the fucking fatass, apparently Clyde, Butters, Token and the other kids that heard him do the same. I don't know if he's doing this on purpose or just stupid, but– oh crap, he's mad. And he looks like he's about to fucking kill us. "Who said that?" The whole lunch room goes silent. People are starting to look at us, totally stopping what they're doing. William scowls at our direction. Maybe if we just pretend not to know him, he'll leave us alone- "It was me. And these guys agree." I internally scream. I stare at him, his finger pointing at us. This son of a bitch. I pop a vessel, cursing at him in my head and imagine killing him over and over again. I glance at William. Yikes, he has a face that I can't even describe, yet it's sending shivers down my spine. The people is also affected by his look, then moves aside as he comes over to us with a pissed look. I feel Clyde shaking beside me, scared for his life and so does Butters. Token is more disturbed at our fat 'friend' here, probably thinking about killing him in the future. I look back at the horrifying beast in front of us. Jesus, he's big up close. I take a deep breath. I open my mouth, saying the first upcoming thing that comes to mind that just might save us-

"I swear we aren't with him-" "Ey!" Cartman opposes. "Fuck you." Token adds, getting the idea. "You're a piece of shit." Clyde joins in. "Wha-" "Fuck you right in the ear." "Wai-" Butters didnt look like he didn't want to be mean, so then he puts up the second fastest middle finger I've ever seen (first is Craig-) to Cartman, whose face is flabbergasted. "Well, fuck you guys! Screw you guys, I'm going ho‐" As he was just about to leave with his classic moto, William then grabs Cartman by his collar, getting him caught off guard. He balls his fist. At this point, I'm cheering him on to hit Cartman. "Wanna say that again, fatty?" He grunts. Cartman doesn't say anything for a few seconds, then manages to spit in his face. We all look at him terrified, and I think I saw one of the kids making a call with a mortician, and others praying. I don't know if they're praying for him, or just thanking God that they're not being sacrificed. William touches his face, not taking his eyes off of him. As he does, he wipes it off, then looks away for a moment to look at Cartman's disgusting mucus. His eyes meet Cartman's again.

He shakes his spit off, landing it on Butters. A few people near him hold back their gasps when he was about to let put a cry or yelp, but Clyde and Token covers his mouth in time. The people around us don't make a peep, hell, they aren't even moving an inch! Fucking, where are the teachers when you need them?!  And it looked like people weren't getting one any time soon. "Any last words?" William's voice echoes around the room. Holy shit, he really is about to kill him in front of everyone. I'm surprised that Cartman hasn't pissed his pants yet. I thought that he would be crying his eyes out by now. I glance at him, seeing him smirking. "Go fuck yourself, pussy." Ah, shit. He really is asking for it-

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