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(TW: slurs, swearing, blood)

Footsteps, fast ones, at that. Shit, the other guy must've heard us. Obviously, he would have, he's literally a room away. I turned to face the guys swiftly. "Quick, hide!" I whispered, exasperated. They all began to scatter, like rats, and split up while searching for possible hiding places. I chose to hide behind the kitchen counter, again. I'm not sure where the others are hiding, but I hope to God it's a good hiding spot, unlike Craig over there. He's hiding behind the door, for some reason, which is weird, since I expected him to hide somewhere invisible, and he's holding the broom I passed to him.

Before I could think of another thought, the door creaks open, the short man appearing behind the door. I could hear him strangle out a surprised noise as he speed walks towards the tall man, who was still tied up on the floor. Shit, I forgot to hide him along with us-! "Ronald?" I hear the short man say. "Wha– what the happened?" The tall man muffles through the sock. The short man kneels down, and pulls out Kenny's sock of out his mouth. "Eugh, the– the kids! Th– they esca-" But before he could get another word out, Craig suddenly appears behind the short man with the broom upside down up high, and he swung it down so fast, that I almost couldn't catch it.

I winced at the sound it made. Yeesh, that's... gotta be painful. "Peter!" The other man called out, but the short man didn't answer back. "Jesus Christ, Craig, did you just kill him?" Cartman questioned as he rose up from his hiding spot. "He's gotta be dead, he's dead, right?" Kenny makes a face. I also rose up from the floor, and started to check the short man's pulse on his wrist. It's still beating. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Relax, he's not dead, he's just knocked out." I said, placing back Kenny's sock back in to the tall man's mouth, while trying my best not to gag. Butters exhales, placing an hand on his chest. "O-oh, neato... f-for a sec– second there, I thought we were about to become m-murderers." "Nah, Craig would be the murderer. He's the one who hit him, after all." Cartman says, swaying his hand around. "Fuck you." Craig grimaced. "I'm nowhere next to your level, you psycho." I could see the tied up man make a confused frown as Craig called Cartman a psycho. Yep, he's definitely new in town.

We don't say anything for a few seconds, we just stood there in silence, even hearing a few crickets from outside. "So... w-what now?" Butters spoke up, still staring at the unconscious short man. "I don't know, I'm just waiting for someone to do something." Kenny shrugs, his eyes trails around, then at me. I ran my hands through my stuck out hair, when Craig turns towards me with his arm sticking out. I stare at it for a good second. "What?" I stupidly uttered. He rolls his eyes, like he's expecting me to know telepathically. "Your phone, give it to me." "Why?" Kenny asks for me.

"To call the police, duh." "Can't you just use your phone?" "I can't, I dropped it somewhere." Oh. I dig out my phone out of my pockets, and hand it over to Craig. Her furrows a brow, then hands it back to me. "There's no signal." What? He gives my phone back to me, and what do you know, he's right, there is no signal. Geez, do these people not have wifi around here, or something? How do they live without it? Kenny hooks his arm around me. "I feel like I'm in a horror movie, or something." "Please, don't jinx us." Craig urks. I quietly chuckle to myself, stuffing my phone back in to my pockets.

"Looks like we'll just have to walk there." I said. Cartman lets out an agitated groan. "Ughh, nooo..." I suck in my teeth. "Suck it up, fat ass, we have no choice, but to go- unless you want to stay here with these guys." He perks up. "Really?" His eyes are shone. Crap. Kenny simply breathes out a smile at my face. "Just leave him here, it's better than him complaining all the way to the police station." I look at him. "Yeah, but who knows what he'll do to these geezers. I'm afraid he'll kill them both, or worse." The tall man muffles out a 'what', you could barely make it out, but it's noticeable.

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