13. Beauty underneath

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Please, don't read this chapter. Just skip it. Please, just skip it. Go now and leave me. It's the worst thing I've ever written and I hate it, but unfortunately I am unable to write anything better here. Just watch the original video instead, it's not that different. Here there is just a confused Maya added. Writing this was a literal torture. There was like a whole month, when each day I would open Wattpad, read what I had so far and add NOTHING... or sometimes just one sentence. I don't know how am I still alive after this... Anyway, skip at least to the end of the song, if you want to spare yourself some boredom...

...I know you will read it anyway, don't lie. But you're doing it on your own responsibility.

All of the sudden I heard loud music all around me. And Erik was the ruler of it. This melody wasn't like his any other. It was thunder, it was fire, and wild excitement in his eyes and in his heart. The Phantom stood behind Gustave's back, having his hands placed on the boy's shoulders.

Gustave was looking all around him in awe, as the room began to change. The walls seemed to be flowing like water. At the same time the floor got covered by a thick, white mist. The piano disappeared and from nowhere emerged black, glassy pillars with golden ornamenting.

I was staring at the spectacle in disbelief, for a moment forgetting that I was supposed to keep Gustave safe and whatever was just happening right before my eyes was quite the opposite of this word. My gaze was jumping from the walls to the pillars and the chandelier and even people who started coming out of the blue! And between it all, I heard Erik, as he began to sing:

"Have you ever yearned to go
Past the world you think you know?
Been enthralled to the call
Of the beauty underneath?"

When I heard his voice, my attention instantly went back to him and Gustave. I took a hurried step towards them, but realized that Erik had no bad intentions and Gustave wasn't scared; not even a bit.

"Have you let it draw you in
Past the place when dreams begin?
Felt the full breathless pull
Of the beauty underneath?"

I moved away to the side, deciding to watch what might follow and react in case of any danger occuring. Erik looked down, right at the boy, with his golden eyes shining like torches in the darkness of the room, especially when he sung again:

"When the dark unfolds its wings
Do you sense the strangest things?
Things no one would ever guess
Things mere words can not express?"

He walked around Gustave to have a look into his big, brown eyes. The face of the boy was beaming with excitement, which Erik could not comprehend, but was positively surprised if anything.

"Yes" Gustave whispered to Erik's contentment and my bafflement.

The Phantom grabbed the brunet by the hand and led him slowly around the room and the group of people in the middle continued to dance.

"Do you find yourself beguiled
By the dangerous and wild?
Do you feed on the need
Of the beauty underneath?"

At the word "dangerous" itself, I was set in a position to jump and retrieve Gustave back from whatever Erik was organizing right in front of us. Yet he remained completely calm, if one could ever call Erik calm, and kept on singing:

"Have you felt your senses surge
And surrender to the urge?
And been hooked as you looked
At the beauty underneath?"

When he led him into the crowd I had enough of this. I ran after them, trying to find Gustave among all these people, but my efforts were useless. Soon I got pushed out of the strange circle and almost tripped, but I steadied myself on one of the pillars. Erik still didn't cease to sing:

Love Will Continue - Sequel to Phantom ChildWhere stories live. Discover now