Chapter 1: New World

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(Shirou's p.o.v.)

Tohsaka and I were just finished speaking with Kotomine, and as we were leaving the church, a huge hole opened up in the ground beneath us. It swallowed up not us, but I saw Saber fall in too, then everything blacked out. When we woke up, we found ourselves deep in a forest. I asked Tohsaka, "Hey, are you alright, Tohsaka?" She replied, "Yeah, somehow. Where are we?" "No idea." I responded. But then I noticed something, "Wait, where's Saber?" Tohsaka just realized that her Servant was gone too. We called out, "Archer! Saber! Where are you?!!" Then, we heard from behind us, "You don't have to shout we're right here." We looked and saw that no one was there, but then Saber and Archer materialized right in front of us. I got up and asked, "Saber, are you okay?" She answered with a surprised look, "More than fine, master. I feel more powerful than before." Archer agreed. That made me feel relieved, but then I realized something odd and Tohsaka must've realized it too because she asked before me. "Wait a minute, how can you assume spirit form, Saber? Because of Shirou's low mama reserves, you should confined to us your physical form." "That's just it, Rin. This place, the entire atmosphere is rich in mana. Archer and I are gaining more mana with every breath we take." Saber's replied surprised Tohsaka. She looked over to Archer and he responded, "It's true, master. Wherever we are, it's very air is filled with mana. With this much, even if a Servant's pact is severed from the master, the Servant can remain indefinitely." We were both shocked by the news that Archer gave us. But there was one unanswered question, "Why were you two in your spirit forms anyway? Did you see someone coming?" I asked. Tohsaka agreed to my question. "While you both were out cold, I went to do some recon while Saber stayed to guard you both. We decided that it would be best to stay in spirit form to maintain stealth just in case anyone was in the area." Archer replied. It was a good reason, we don't know where we are or if any enemies are nearby. "Good thinking, you two. Now, what did you find on your recon mission, Archer?" Tohsaka asked her Servant for a report. Archer answered, "Something rather shocking. It would be easier if I simple showed you what I found. Follow me." With that, me, Saber, and Tohsaka all started to follow Archer to see what he found.

After walking for half an hour, we finally got out of the woods, and what we saw was just unbelievable.

We saw a massive skull with two horns, and three eye sockets. 'Just what the hell did we walk into?" I thought to myself. Then, I looked at Tohsaka and Saber, and they were also shocked by the discovery that Archer made. Tohsaka said, "I think we've been transported to a completely different world." We all looked at her, mulling over what she just said, and we all came to the same conclusion. She's right that was the only thing that made sense about our current situation. "That would be the only way to explain why the air is so rich with mana, but right now we should decide on a course of action." Saber said. "You're right, we're in unknown territory, we need a plan." I agreed with her and so did Tohsaka and Archer. "Alright, I suppose the first thing we need to do is gather information about this world. So, we should go around and ask questions from the locals, and keep the facts about what we are to ourselves for now. So, Archer and Saber should stay in spirit form while we're in public." Tohsaka stated our plan and we all agreed to it. So, we all went down to the village we saw near the giant skull.

(??? P.o.v.)

"Marx, did you sense that too?" I asked my assistant. "I did, Lord Julius. A massive concentration of mana appeared in the North. Should we send a squad to investigate?" He asked. "Yes, and the Black Bulls are likely the best suited for this mission." I said to Marx. "Because of Asta?" He asked. "Yes, this source of mana might be too much for even a captain to handle alone, so we'll need the one Magic Knight who can counter all magic just in case." I explained my reasoning, and Marx nodded and said, "I'll go to the Black Bulls base right now to inform them. And please don't run away from your work, sir." I sighed at the last part and nodded. With that Marx set out to inform the Black Bulls of their mission. As I sat in my chair, I wondered what could be the source of this mysterious power, but I knew it was going to be interesting.

(Yami's p.o.v.)

The squad was making such a racket, I got irritated. So, I infused my fist with magic and struck the wall behind me, while shouting, "Shut up, you idiots!!" They all stopped and quickly got on their knees in front of me. I said to them, "Tune down the idiocy, will you? I can't even read the news with all the racket you're all making." They said in unison, "Yes, sir." As they all that, the front door opened and mushroom head walked in. "Hey, mushroom head." I greeted him. "Will you stop with the stupid nickname, Yami?!!" He snapped at me, but then said, "Nevermind, I've got a mission for your squad from the Wizard King." 'Julius has a mission for us? It must be important.' I thought. Because the last time he pick my whole squad for a mission, it was of the utmost importance. I said to mushroom head, "Alright, what's the job?" He then explained, "I'm sure you all noticed the sudden appearance of a massive surge of mana in the North. So, your mission is to go and investigate it, and in case anything happens, you're to bring Asta with you. Since he can counter any magic, he'll be essential to this mission." He was right, I did sense a huge source of mana in that direction, and Asta would be vital in countering it if anything happens. "Alright, we'll get ready to head out right now." I said to mushroom head. And I turned to my squad and said, "You dumbbells hear that? Get ready to head out!!" They all saluted and went to get ready for the mission.

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