Chapter 10: Meeting the Clover Heroes

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(No one's p.o.v.)

Asta, Noelle, Yami, Yuno, and Mereoleona had summoned their Servants, and everyone in the room was amazed by what they did, even Julius had stars in his eyes. The 5 Heroic Spirits asked them if they were worthy to be their Masters. Asta replied, "Are we worthy? I don't think any of us could answer that, because we're not sure ourselves. All we can do is strive to be worthy of your loyalty." The Heroes of the other world's past looked at Asta with expressions of intrigue on their faces. The Servant that Asta summoned said to him, "You're both humble and honest, you have piqued my interest, Master. I am the leader of the Knights of Fianna, my name is Fionn mac Cumhaill. And in this battle for the Holy Grail, I am the Lancer of Clover." Asta reached out his hand and replied, "I'm Asta, a magic knight of the Clover Kingdom's Black Bulls squad. Pleasure to meet to Fionn." Fionn took his hand and gave Asta a handshake as he said, "The pleasure is mine."

Then, it was time for the other Servants to introduce themselves. Noelle's Servant said, "From the looks of you missy, your in the same squad as Asta, right?" She answered, "Yes, I am." The Hero then said, "Well if that's the case, I assume that you'll be as interesting as him." Noelle had a confused look on her face. The hero introduced himself, "I am the son of the hero Peleus, my name is Achilles, and I'm Rider of Clover." Noelle responded in kind, "My name is Noelle Silva of Clover Kingdom's royal house of Silva, and like Asta, I'm also a member of the Black Bulls." "Well Ms. Noelle, I look forward to working with you." Achilles said as they shook hands.

The hero that Yami summoned said to him, "You must be the leader of the Black Bulls, correct?" Yami was a bit surprised by the fact that the white haired servant could tell he was the captain. Yami asked, "How did you know that?" The hero answered, "You have a much stronger aura than Noelle or Asta." "You're right, my name is Yami Sukehiro, I'm the Captain of the Black Bulls. And you are....?" Yami asked the white haired hero. The Servant replied, "I am Charles-Henri Sanson, the fourth head of the Sanson family of executioners, and I have been summoned as the Assassin of Clover." Yami replied, "Your family killed criminals for a living? Guess you didn't have many friends growing up, huh?" Sanson nodded and went back on topic, "Anyway, it's a pleasure to work with you, captain." Yami responded, "Likewise, Sanson."

Mereoleona's servant wasn't much of a talker, but he did give her an introduction. "Asterios, Berserker of Clover." He said. Mereoleona replied, "Don't talk much do you?" Saber spoke up, "Berserkers aren't known for being social. In exchange for more power, they lose their conscious due to the madness enchantment. That's what makes them Berserkers." Mereoleona hummed and turned her attention back to Asterios. She said, Well, I'm Mereoleona Vermillion, of Clover Kingdom's royal house of Vermillion. Let's go wild in this upcoming war!" Asterios nodded with a crazy smile.

Finally, Yuno's servant, was about to introduce himself Saber spoke up again. " Merlin!? How are you here!?"
The Servant turned his head toward the swordswoman and said, "Artoria, what a surprise!?" They were all confused about what was going on. Julius asked, "You two know each other?" The man named Merlin replied, "Of course, I've known her for many years in her lifetime." Yuno asked him, "How about a proper introduction. I'm Yuno of the Clover Kingdom's Golden Dawn squad. The moment you appeared, I could tell your a mage. So, let's hear your intro." Merlin replied, "Oh right, I am the Court Mage and mentor of the famed King of Knights, Artoria/Arthur Pendragon. My name is Merlin, pleasure to meet you." "Wait, the Merlin!? There's no way you're really him!" Fionn shouted. Curious, Asta asked his servant, "What do you mean, Fionn?" The spearman answered, "According to the legend, Merlin was the child born of a human and a demon, so he isn't bound to the same mortality as humans are. Even after the death of the king of knights, he lived in the tower of the King's paradise, Avalon. Because, his death cannot come until the world ends. And since the living can't be heroic spirits, summoning him should be impossible." The magic knights all said, "Oh" in understanding. Then, Merlin explained, "It's true that I cannot be summoned as a servant. Well in our world, anyway. But, since this is another world, where my body never existed, I can be considered dead in a sense. So, I can be summoned as a Heroic Spirit as long as it's in a time or world where a haven't existed." Julius replied, "That makes sense. But wait, you called Saber "Artoria" earlier, so does that mean that Saber is-" Merlin confirmed his suspicion, "That's right, Saber is the King of Knights, Artoria/Arthur Pendragon." Rin was obviously surprised by the sudden news as she said, "What!? Really!? She's the legendary king of knights!?" Yami asked, "Is Saber really that famous?" Sanson replied, "Of course, the legend of King Arthur is the most renown tale of our world, everyone has heard the name at least once in their life." "Oh yeah? Well that explains why she's so good with a sword." Yami said. Asta spoke up, "Speaking of, I noticed that your sword is invisible, why is that, Saber?" She answered, "Basic strategy of a Grail War is to hide your true identity. If the enemy knows who the servant is, they can devise a plan for defeating them." Saber made her sword visible, and it was a golden blade with a somewhat crest shaped guard, and a blue hilt

 "My holy sword is the most famous blade in our world, so I would be recognized immediately if the enemy sees it

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"My holy sword is the most famous blade in our world, so I would be recognized immediately if the enemy sees it. In order to prevent that, I use magic wind to camouflage my sword." The magic knights again nodded in understanding. And then, Rin clapped her hands and said, "Alright, now that introductions are over, each of you should spend time with your servants. Get to know each other, talk strategy etc. You'll need to know about each other in order to work as a team." Everyone said, "Right." And they all split up to have a private chat with their new comrades

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