Chapter 14: Servants of Spade

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(Morris' p.o.v.)

  The Dark Triad had just informed me of this Grand Holy Grail War, and requested that I be one of the masters of Spade. Truthfully, it piqued my interest and agreed to join the battle.

  We had been waiting for some time until a soldier approached us and said, "Lord Dante, Caster has completed the summoning preparations." Dante replied, "Excellent, take us to her." He bowed and we began following the soldier to the room where Caster was waiting for us.

  (Dante's p.o.v.)

  We all arrived at the room Caster had been waiting, and where she had set up everything for the summoning ritual. I noticed five identical, circular diagrams drawn on the floor of the room. Caster said, "Thank you all for waiting. We may now began summoning the remaining servants of Spade." Zenon asked, "How do we begin?" She replied, "To start, each of you will stand in front of each of these summoning circles." We all did as she instructed and stood in front of each of the circles. Caster continued, "Now, raise your dominant hands in front of you and repeat after me."

  (No one's p.o.v.)

  The five Spade Kingdom mages raised their hands and Caster began the chant.

  "For the elements, silver and iron..."

  "For the elements, silver and iron..."

  "The foundation, stone, and the Archduke of Pacts..."

  "The foundation, stone, and the Archduke of Pacts..."

  "The emblem bestowed is the Spade."

  The emblem bestowed is the Spade."

  That was when the circles began glowing a radiant blue. The siblings and Morris were fascinated by the sight before them. And Caster continued the chant.

   "Close the four gates, come forth from the crown, and follow the forked road leading to the kingdom."

  "Close the four gates, come forth from the crown, and follow the forked road leading to the kingdom."

  "Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it."

  "Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it."



At this time, the circles light changed from blue to red and a current of air began to form in the room.

  "Heed my words, my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny."

  "Heed my words, my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny."

  "If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer me."

  "If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer me."

  "I hereby swear, I shall be all the good in the world, that I shall defeat all evil in the world."

"I hereby swear, I shall be all the good in the world, that I shall defeat all evil in the world."

  "Seventh heaven, clad in the great words of power. Come forth from the binding circle, Guardian of the Scales!"

  Seventh heaven, clad in the great words of power. Come forth from the binding circle, Guardian of the Scales!"

  Immediately, an explosion of smoke and wind burst from the circles and the five masters of Spade covered their eyes with their arms. Once the smoke dissipated, they all saw that there was someone kneeling in the center of each of their circles.

  In Zenon's circle was a tall man with long black hair, pale skin, and wearing silver armor.

In Vanica' circle was a samurai with messy black hair, and carrying a rifle and katana.

  In Dante's circle was a man with neutral skin, messy, dark blue-ish hair, and wearing formal attire.

In Lucius' circle was a man with long light green hair, light blue eyes, and an appearance that would confuse him as a woman.


  And in Morris' circle, was a grey haired man dressed in brown, and had the air of a scholar.


  The five Servants stood up and looked the mages in the eye before asking, "We ask of you all, are you our masters?" Dante replied, "Yes, we called on you to fight the battle to come. We ask you all, will you lend us your strength to win this war?!" The five Servants thought for a moment before Zenon's servant spoke. "Well, I would like to talk more about your reasons for participating in this War before accepting you as my master, but first let's begin the introductions since that would be a decent start. I'll start, my name is Gilles de Rais. In this battle for the Holy Grail, I am the Saber of Spade. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Zenon responded, "I am one of the three rulers of Spade Kingdom, known as the Dark Triad, my name is Zenon Zogratis." Gilles smiled.

Dante's servant asked, "I assume that you are also one of the Dark Triad as well, Sir?" He replied, "Indeed, my name is Dante Zogratis, like my brother, I am one of the Dark Triad." The servant responded in kind, "I am the pirate Bartholomew Roberts, I have been summoned as the Rider of Spade. I look forward to working with you as we sink our foes." Dante smiled and said, "Sounds like you and I will are gonna have a lot fun in this Grail War." Roberts smiled back and nodded.

  Vanica introduced herself, "I am one the Dark Triad, Vanica Zogratis. Who might you be, big guy?" Her servant looked her in the eyes and replied, "Berserker of Spade, Hijikata Toshizou." Caster responded, "Well, it would seem that you summoned a rather exceptional servant, lady Vanica." She asked, "Oh? Is he really that famous?" Kuzuki explained, "Hijikata Toshizou, was the vice commander of a special law enforcement group known as the Shinsengumi. He's the one who created their rules as well as enforced them on all of his men. He was so strict, that if you broke the rules, he'd force you to commit suicide for lack of discipline. He was known throughout the ages as the Demon Vice Commander." Vanica smiled at what she was told and could only think of what she and Hijikata would do in the upcoming battle.

  Lucius introduced himself, "I'm the eldest of the four Zogratis siblings, my name is Lucius. And you are?" His servant replied, "Enkidu, the chains of heaven. I am the Lancer of Spade." Lucius was confused and asked, "Chains of heaven?" Caster answered, "The being you see before was created by the gods of our world to keep the first hero, the demigod Gilgamesh under their control, but their plain backfired on them and Enkidu and Gilgamesh become the best of friends. Enkidu has the power to restrain even a god. I dare say that would make him a trump card for our faction." The others were surprised to hear that they had such a powerful asset fighting for their team in the Grand Holy Grail War.

  Finally, it was time for Morris to introduce himself to his servant, "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Morris Libardirt. I work for the Dark Triad as the head of their research department." The servant replied, "A fellow man of science, eh? Well, I couldn't have asked for a better partner. My name is James Moriarty, Crime Emperor of the Criminal World. For this battle, I am the Archer of Spade. I look forward to working for you, Master Morris."

  Caster then said, "Now that you have summoned your servants, it would be best that you all get to know each other, especially your strengths and weaknesses. That way you can work on a strategy that best utilizes your abilities." The five Spade mages nodded in agreement and left with their servants. Leaving Caster to ask herself one question, 'Just where the hell is that assassin?'

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