Chapter 11: In Heart Kingdom

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(No one's p.o.v.)

While the Masters of Clover Kingdom were summoning their Servants, in the other three countries were preparing to summon their's.

(Loropechka's p.o.v.)

Flashback 2 days ago

I was observing everything that was happening in Heart Kingdom via my magic, when suddenly a large black hole opened above the ground in the middle of the forest. A few seconds after it opened, 4 people fell out of it , two people landed on their feet and the other landed facedown on the grass. One of the two who landed on their feet was a man in a skin-tight, blue suit, with blue hair and red eyes. But what was most notable about him was that he was carrying a red spear.

The other who landed feet first was a woman with long, light pink hair reached her feet, and wearing a blindfold

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The other who landed feet first was a woman with long, light pink hair reached her feet, and wearing a blindfold.

The other two were a man with brown hair wearing a trench coat, and a girl with long purple hair who looked about my age

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The other two were a man with brown hair wearing a trench coat, and a girl with long purple hair who looked about my age.

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The hole in the sky closed as soon as they hit the ground

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The hole in the sky closed as soon as they hit the ground. The man in blue quickly shook the brown haired man and said, "Hey, are you alright, Kotomine?" The pink haired woman did the same to the girl. "Sakura, are you okay? Sakura!?" She said with concern. I wanted to know who those people were and how did they get here. So, I contacted the Spirit Guardians and told them to bring them back to the palace.

(Lancer's p.o.v.)

I was shaking my master to see if he was okay. I checked and he was still breathing but unconscious, and from the look of it, the purple haired girl was too. As for the pink haired woman, I could tell that she's a servant and the girl was her master, but there was no time to fight her.

As I was about to start talking to the woman, five people appeared. We stood up quickly, got in front of our unconscious masters, and readied our weapons. The pink haired woman said to them, "State your business!" One of the 5 said, "We're not here to harm any of you. Our queen just saw you 4 appear and ordered us to escort you to the palace." I replied, "What do you mean she saw us? We just got to whatever place this is." The man answered, "This is Heart Kingdom, and as for how she knew you were here, she uses her magic to observe everything happening inside the borders. The reason she wants us bring you all back to the palace, is to treat your friends and talk about what happened to you." The woman and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement. She turned back to the 5 and said, "Very well, but know this. If you try anything, we will have all of your heads, Understand?" The people nodded. We all picked up Kotomine and the girl and followed them to their queen's palace.

(Sakura's p.o.v.)

I remember walking home with Rider when suddenly a strange hole opened beneath our feet and we fell in, then everything went black. When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. I could tell that it had rather lavish decor, meaning that whoever owned that place was quite wealthy. I got out of bed and called for Rider, and she came through the door two seconds after I called her. She rushed towards me and said, "Sakura, thank goodness your awake. How do you feel?" I replied, "I'm just fine, but where are we?" She explained to me that we were transported, along with Lancer and his master, to a completely different world, where everyone uses a different brand of magic than what we practice. That we were in the Heart Kingdom's palace. She even told me that the Holy Grail War was taking place in The Heart Kingdom's neighbor, Clover Kingdom, and the other nations would participate as well. She explained all this to the queen while I was out cold, and queen agreed to participating in the Grail War, if for no other reason than to remove a curse that a devil placed on her a while back. "Sakura, the queen said she would want you to meet her when you woke up." Rider informed me and I nodded. I got up and Rider lead me to where the queen of Heart Kingdom was waiting.

Rider brought me to a banquet hall, on one side of the table, was the man I assumed to be Lancer's master, along with Lancer himself eating. At the end of the table was the queen. "Oh good, you're awake. Come please, you must be hungry." She said to me, and she was right, I was hungry. Rider and I walked over to the opposite side of the table, and sat down. "Now, I believe an introduction is a good way to start things off." I nodded and we all introduced ourselves one after the other. "My name is Sakura Matou, a pleasure to meet you, your highness." "I am of the Rider class of servants, my name is Medusa." "I am land of Ireland's first child of light, My name is Cu Chulainn, and I'm sure you guessed, but I'm a Lancer. It an honor to meet you, Queen of Heart." "My name is Kirei Kotomine, I used to be tasked with being overseer of the Grail War before I was sent here. It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty." "It's a pleasure and an honor to have you all here, I'm Loropechka, the queen of Heart Kingdom. Now, with the introductions out of the way, let's discuss our team for the Grand Holy Grail War."

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