Chapter 7: A Devil's Request

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

After talking with the Wizard King and Rin and her friends, the issue that was yet to be settled was where were the four otherworlders going to stay during their time in our world. The Wizard King said, "Why not stay at the Black Bulls base? From what I heard, you all have a lack of faith in the aristocrats of the Clover Kingdom. So, why not stay with the unique squad among the Magic Knights? Many of their members are not tethered by family or social standing." Captain Yami replied, "That's true, but I have to warn you, we can get a bit rowdy." What they said did make sense. They would prefer someplace where there as few nobles and royals as possible. Rin replied, "Ok, we'll take you up on your offer." Yami and the Wizard King nodded and Finral opened a portal to take to the base.

(A/N: I pity the Masters and Servants.)

Time skip: night at Black Bulls base.

I was laying down on my bed back at our base after we had met Rin, Shirou, Saber and Archer. Everything they told us about the Holy Grail, the war that decides it's owner, and the fact that it will be held in Clover Kingdom, all of that was a surprise. But what I can't believe is that Saber nominated me as a master candidate for Clover. I went to sleep thinking about all of this, and shortly after I closed my eyes, I found myself in a familiar red void that I had seen back at the Witch's forest. I heard a low guttural voice from behind me say, "Long time no see, Asta." I turned around to see a giant silhouette of a devil looking down at me. I answered, "I remember now, you and I met like this before, you're the devil in my grimoire." He chuckled and replied, "That's right, I am the source of your Anti magic. And I'm surprised you had gotten a little smarter than the last time we met." I yelled at him, "I SEE YOU'RE STILL A JERK!!!!" I calmed down and asked him, "Anyway, what is it you want to talk to me about?" He answered, "I heard about your new friends from another world, and about this 'omnipotent' wish granter. And I want you to win it no matter what." 'He wants me to win the Grail? But why?' I asked, "Why would you care about who wins the Grail or not? Are planning on wishing to manifest into our world?" He answered, "I do have a wish for the Grail, but it's not to come into your world." I was puzzled by his answer, so asked him, "If you're not going to wish to bring yourself into my world, then what do you want?" His replied got me even more puzzled, "Something was taken from me long ago, something more important to me than entering your world, and the Holy Grail may be the only way for me to get it back." 'Something more important? What could it be if not coming to the human world?' I said to him, "If you're asking me for help, this wish must be very important to you.......... Alright, I'll do my best to win the Grail. After all, I owe you a lot for giving me the chance to fight." He was surprised by my answer, as if he didn't expect me to agree to help him. Then, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Asta." After that, the red void disappeared and I woke up to see that it was morning. I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I saw that Magna and Luck were trying to kill each other as usual, Gordon was mumbling on the couch, Gauche was having a nosebleed from looking at a picture of his sister, Grey was shyly hiding in the corner, Noelle was sitting at the bar with Rin and her friends, Charms was cooking with her sheep, Vanessa was hangover while in her lingerie, Nero turned into a bird and perched herself on my head, Zora was nowhere to be seen, and Captain Yami just walked in and went over to Rin and Shirou. He asked them, "Well, what do you think about my squad?" They answered one at a time, starting with Rin, "When you said your squad gets rowdy, I didn't expect them to be this crazy." Next was Shirou, "There are definitely a bunch of odd ducks here, I honestly don't know how to respond to all this." After that was Saber, "I'm almost appalled. Their so undisciplined, it's disgraceful as a knight." And finally Archer, "I'm honestly amused, just how does this squad even function when you're all completely mad, and I'm supposed to believe that you're all knights?" Captain Yami answered, "A lot of these guys have an unhappy background, a lot of them were great like outcasts for one reason or another, including me. That's why I chose to put this crew together, so they would have a place to belong and be free to use their power." They seemed to understand his reasons, because the expressions they had before changed. Then, Charmy announced, "Breakfast is ready, come and eat!" Everyone gathered at the dinner table and Charmy's sheep handed each of us a plate of food. Once everyone had their plate, we all started eating. As we were, Charmy spoke to Saber and Archer, "What's wrong? Why aren't you two eating? Are you guys not hungry?" Saber answered her, "No, it's because we don't need to eat like all of you." I asked Saber, "What do you mean?" Archer replied for her, "We said yesterday that Servants need mana to maintain their form in this world, so for nourishment we partake in magical energy. So, we don't need to eat food like you." I said, "But that doesn't mean you can't for pleasure, right?" Saber replied, "No, there's no reason we can't." I replied, "Then, at least try it, believe me, you don't want to miss out on Charmy's cooking." They both looked at each other for a second, then proceeded to taking a bite of their food and a look of delight appeared on their faces. We continued to eat breakfast when Rin said, "Alright, I suggest we discuss the remaining 3 spaces on our team for the Grand Holy Grail War." We all got serious when she said that.

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