Chapter 6: The Grand Holy Grail War

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

'Omnipotent wish granter? The Holy Grail?' I thought about what she just said. She explained, "The Holy Grail War works like this, seven mages each summon a hero from our world's history as familiars, then the the heroic spirits all fight to the death until one is left standing. That lone surviving team are the ones who win the Grail." The Wizard King asked, "That sound's very brutal, but why bother doing this Holy Grail War? Wouldn't make more sense to just share it if it's so powerful?" Shirou said, "I asked the same question when I had this explained to me. But only one may win the Grail. It wasn't mages that made that decision, Holy Grail itself did." 'The Grail decided? How?' I thought. Then, I asked a question that I knew I would regret, "Do the mages who participate kill each other as well?" Saber answered, "Unfortunately, yes. However, there is no rule that says they have to." I asked, "What do you mean?" Archer explained, "The Holy Grail that we fight for is a spiritual object. Since it's intangible, living humans can't touch it, but heroic spirits can. In other words, the point of the Holy Grail War, is to eliminate the other heroic spirits. So, there's no rule that says you have to kill the other mages in order to win." Captain Yami asked, "Then why do they kill each other?" Rin answered, "You fought Saber yourself, remember? Do you really think you can defeat her?" I had a feeling I knew why she asked that. Captain Yami asked, "To be honest, no. Why do you ask?" Rin replied, "Heroic Spirits are difficult to defeat, even with another." She proved my suspicion. "Wait, Saber is a Heroic Spirit?!" Asked the Wizard King. Saber answered, "Yes, I am. And so is Archer." Then, I asked the unanswered question, "I still don't see why the mages have to kill each other." Rin explained, "Heroic Spirits need mana to keep their material forms. And in our world, only people have mana. So, the summoner is what keeps the spirit anchored to the world. In other words, if the summoner ceases to be alive, the heroic spirit will eventually vanish with them. Meaning the quickest way to defeat a heroic spirit is killing the summoner." The Wizard King said, "I see so it's strategy. But what happens if the heroic spirit is defeat first, since only they can touch the Grail, wouldn't they lose their place in winning the war?" Saber answered, "You see the stigmata on Rin's hand? Those are the Command seals, they signify that one is a participating mage, known as a Master. If needed she can use one of them to compel her heroic spirit, a Servant, to do a specific action or fortify them. However, a master only gets 3 for the whole war. So as long as one has them, they retain their rights as a master, they'll be able to rejoin the war by teaming up with a servant that has lost its master. That is the second reason why masters kill masters."

The explanation of the Holy Grail War was both dark and interesting, but there was one thing I couldn't understand. I asked, "Why are you telling us all this?" Archer replied, "It has to do with the information me and Saber received earlier. The Holy Grail War will take place in Clover Kingdom." We were all shocked by the sudden news. Archer explained, "Not only us, but the other masters from our world have been sent to the other three nations. But, this Grail War will be much different than previous ones. The residents of this world will be allowed to participate as masters. Four teams of seven will battle each other here in Clover Kingdom, where the Holy Grail will appear. This ritual is called a Grand Holy Grail War." The Wizard King said, "28 in total? This is will truly be an all-out war." Archer replied, "Indeed, and also, Holy Grail will summon two Ruler class Servants to act as the arbitrators." I asked, "Ruler class?" "I'll explain this part." Rin said as she pulled out seven cards and placed them on the desk. She explained, "Servants are categorized under classes based on their professions in their lifetimes. The seven standard classes are the ones summoned to fight in the Grail War. These are the classes:

Archer, Saber, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster and Berserker

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Archer, Saber, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster and Berserker. The Ruler class is a neutral class that organizes a Holy Grail War." Captain Yami pointed to Archer and Saber and said, "I see, these two were summoned as Archer and Saber classes because they specialize in using those types of weapons?" Saber replied, "That's correct."

I asked them, "Are you guys asking us to participate in this war?" Rin answered, "That would be your decision to make. But before you do make your decision, I think I should tell you all what happened in the last Grail War." We all listened closely, to what she had to say, "At the end of the previous War, an unworthy master touched the Holy Grail. We don't know what they wished for, but the only thing that was clear, was the aftermath of the result........ A massive fire engulfed the city where the war was held, the inferno snuffed out the lives of over 500 people." We were horrified by the Grail could do. Rin continued, "The Grail can do even worse than that if it were to fall into the wrong hands. I understand that we're asking to join a battle that's not yours, but if evil hands were obtain the Grail, the damage that one devil can do would be insignificant by comparison." We all looked at each other and the Wizard King stated, "We will participate in the Grand Holy Grail War. We cannot allow something so powerful to end up in enemy hands. I recommend we recruit the 5 best mages suited for this battle." Saber replied, "In that case, I would like to recommend Asta and as master candidates." We were all surprised by her statement. I could understand Captain Yami, but why would she choose me. I asked, "Why choose me?" Saber answered, "You were able to best Archer, a servant in combat. That normally should be impossible for a human. So, among Julius, Yami, and you, I believe you are the most capable to handle the Holy Grail War." 'A hero from another world acknowledged me for my skills? That's so cool!!' I thought. And I replied, "Right, I'll fight in this War."

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