Chapter 3: Holy vs Dark Swordsman

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(Saber's p.o.v.)

I was about to duel the Captain of the Clover Kingdom's Black Bulls Magic Knights, a resident of the other world, in which we found ourselves. Based on the information we gathered in our very short time there, we could not simply trust the Clover Kingdom's military or aristocracy. But, in all nations, there will always be benevolent and wicked hearts, you must discern which one the person is. Yami Sukehiro was a warrior, and warriors always express themselves in combat with their opponents. So I chose to determine what kind of man he was by crossing swords.

With both of our swords drawn and ready, we charged towards each other. Yami struck first with a rising, diagonal slash, but I parried it. After our swords clashed for another dozen times, we put about 10 yards of distance between us. Then, Yami's sword became cloaked in a black magical aura.

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash

He said swung his blade and the mana that coated it came flying at me in the form of a slash. I defended against it by doing a downward slash and splitting the attack in two. Yami continued to launch more of the same attacks and I kept countering and blocking until he stopped. The second he did, I lunged at him and resumed to clash blades with him. I had landed 5 cuts, while Yami had yet to even scratch me. Though I admit, I was holding back enough for him to keep up. Why would I? It was so that wouldn't kill him by accident, the duel was a test after all.

(Yami's p.o.v.)

Me and the blonde swordswoman had been fighting for just 3 minutes, and I had launched nearly 100 attacks, all of which were so fast and hard that I could barely keep up, but I still couldn't get past her guard. What's more frustrating was that during those 3 minutes, I was able to to tell that she was holding back. She wasn't taking me seriously at all. So, I decided to take it up a notch. I brought my katana over my head and coated it with dark magic, and then I used the spell I learned at the Underwater Temple:

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash

The attack came flying at her, but like her sword, dimension slash is invisible to most. However, she quickly dodged the attack, as if she knew what was coming. Then I knew that if I want her to get serious, I would have to go all out using what I learned the past year.

Since my fight with the devil in the Shadow Palace, I had been training my ass off to fight opponents at that level. As much as I rather not to, I asked Sisgoleon to help me train in using mana zone. From there, I learned new spells that would not only defend against powerful attacks, but also wreck a whole mountain. Before I made my next move, the blonde swordswoman asked me, "Do you accept defeat?" I was puzzled by her question. She continued, "I'm sure  you've noticed that I have been holding back this entire time, and judging from your last attack, that was the best you had, so you should just concede." 'She thinks I showed my entire hand? She's gonna find out that she's sorely mistaken!' I thought. I answered her, "I'm done yet. I still have something that can turn things around." With that, she readied herself for my next attack. I pulled back my sword and deployed mana zone. Then, I condensed it all to my blade.

Dark Magic: Death Thrust

That was the spell that was powerful enough to destroy a mountain, and launched it right at the female swordmaster. However, even that spell didn't work, because she too performed a thrust, but this one was made of condensed, attribute-less mana, and that caused my Death Thrust to be cancelled out. Even that attack wasn't able to make use her full power. Honestly, I had never fought swordmaster even remotely that strong. The blonde swordswoman said, "That was definitely the strongest attack that I have seen from any human, I must admit I'm very impressed. But still, even you're strongest attack couldn't break through my defenses. Not only that you appear to be completely drained of energy from the attack. Do you still not wish to admit defeat?" She had a point, I was drained of mana and stamina, so it would've been the only option left for anyone in my position. But, I'm not just anyone. "True, quitting would be the best option right now...... That is, for anybody else, but I'm not planning on giving up the fight, no way in hell!" The woman was shocked by my answer and also a bit confused as she said, "You..must be mad? You know that you're at your limit, and you still want to keep fighting? Why?" I replied, "There's something I always my squad to do, 'dig deep, and push past your limits', that's how you grow stronger. And how can I break my limits, if I give up just because I'm a little tired?" Not just the blonde girl, but the black haired girl and orange haired kid were also at a complete loss for words. Then, the blonde swordswoman, cracked a smile, dropped her sword to her side, and said to me, "You pass. Now for your subordinate-" she was cut off as turned her head towards Asta's fight, and was shocked by what she saw.

(Archer's p.o.v.)

While Saber was dueling the Black Bulls Captain, I about to fight his subordinate, a young, muscular boy with ash blonde hair, I believe Yami called him Asta. He definitely seemed to be strong physically, but there was something strange about him. While his comrades had various quantities of mana within them, I couldn't sense even the smallest hint of mana from Asta. That made me curious about why would he singled out over the rest of his squad. 'Perhaps, I'll get my answer as we fight?' I thought.

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