Chapter 2: Knights meet Masters

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

It's been a year since the elf incident and the defeat of the word magic devil. During that time, I learned to control my anti magic a lot better than before. I could project slashes with my swords, summon then back to me, and even ride the demon slayer like a mage rides their broom.

Nothing major has happened during that year, until Marx came and informed us of a new mission exclusively for the Black Bulls, from the Wizard King. But, what made it even more awesome is that he chose us specifically because of me. 'I gotta make sure that I don't let the Wizard King down!' I thought. We were assigned to investigate a huge amount of mana that appeared in the north, the direction of Hage village. 'I hope everyone in Hage is okay.' I thought. But I push those thoughts to the back of my mind for the time being, and focused on getting ready to set out on the investigation with the rest of my squad.

We all gathered outside the base once we were all set. Captain Yami announced, "Alright you idiots, we're heading straight towards that source of mana, of course we're only to engage as a last option. So, for now we're simply going to find whoever or whatever is radiating that much magic power, from there we'll decide to approach, it that understood?!" We all saluted and said, "Yes, sir!" He then gave the order, "Alright, let's move out!" With that, everyone else hopped on their brooms and I brought out the demon slayer and hopped on, and we all flew off toward the source of that mysterious mana, since I couldn't sense magic, I followed the others. As we flew through the sky, I wondered what we were going to find when we get there.

(Rin's p.o.v.)

We had only been in this world for 8 hours but we managed to gather enough information to get a rough idea about our location and some understand of this world's culture. We learned that magic is used in the daily life of all people in this world, and that people with the most mana are considered superior to those who don't have as much, in this world, magic is everything. We also learned that we were in the forsaken realm of the Clover Kingdom, where the people with the least amount of mana live. The aristocrats of this nation despised the commoners they are supposed to govern and protect. 'Truly, how despicable.' I thought. And I wasn't the only one who felt that way, Shirou, Saber, even Archer , who were still in spirit form, were also disgusted by the people in power here. "The rulers of this land really see their subjects that way? How shameless can people be?" Saber said with a furious tone. Archer replied, "I don't know if I could call people like that 'people'. They seem more like parasites to me." I didn't say this aloud but, "This may sound hypocritical coming from me, but I agree with Archer, people like that are nothing but parasites." As we were feeling revolted by the hierarchy of this nation, we noticed that there was something flying through the sky, and heading right toward us. Shirou and I told our Servants that they should stay in spirit form until it's necessary. As it got closer, we saw that it was a group of 12 people, all but one of them were riding on what appeared to be brooms. Then we knew how the locals get around.

As soon as they got close enough to the ground, they got off their brooms, but then I noticed that the one who wasn't riding a broom was actually riding a huge rusty sword, which was curious that he wasn't riding a broom like the others. The boy put his sword into a raggedy old book that floated next to him. But before I could think about the reason, one of them step forward. It was a black haired man in his mid 20s, wearing a white tank top, and was smoking a cigarette. He spoke, "Hey, how's it going?" He greeted us so casually, but Shirou answered, "Uh, good." Then I asked him, "Exactly who are guys? You're not bandits are you?" The man replied, "No, we're Magic Knights. I'm Yami Sukehiro, The captain of the Black Bulls squad." They're Magic Knights? The soldiers of the Clover Kingdom? Shirou asked him, "What would the Magic Knights come all the way out here for?" The man named Yami explained, "We're here to investigate a sudden surge of mana that appeared out of nowhere. We tracked it right to the source, which apparently is coming from you two." 'They can feel mana from such a great distance? Either their senses are incredible or Saber and Archer are just that powerful now?.' I asked him the obvious question, "And what do you plan to do now that you found the source?" "Well, depending on whether your both willing or not, we'd take you to see the Wizard King so he can talk to you." Yami answered. The Wizard King? That's the strongest Magic Knight in Clover, according to the Intel we gathered. Before we could answer, the boy with the huge sword spoke up, "Um, Captain Yami, are you sure there's only two of them?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, because there's two other who are standing next to them." The boy's answer surprised me and Shirou, while it baffled his Captain and squad mates. 'How did he know they were here? Only other Servants can see them while their in spirit form?' I thought. So, I asked the boy, "Can you see them?" He replied, "No, but I can sense them." Since he knew they were there, there was no point in them hiding. So, me and Shirou told our Servants to show themselves. As soon as they did, the Black Bulls were surprised to see that their comrade was right. Yami then stated, "I see, now that you both became visible I can tell that it was you we were sensing. Just who are you guys?" Saber answered him, "There's no reason for me to answer that question, considering that you work for such despicable nobility and royalty. However, if you wish for me to trust you, then let your blade speak for you!" Saber her invisible sword and entered her fighting stance. The Black Bulls captain answered her, "You want me prove my worth with my sword? Hmm, alright, haven't had a proper sword fight since I was a kid, you're on. But before we start, why not let Asta duel your white haired friend." He gestured to the ash haired boy who rode on his sword. "May I ask why?" Saber asked. "Among everyone in my crew, Asta and I are the only ones who use weapons, so if I fail your test, Asta might pass." Yami answered. 'He wants a guarantee that we'd be willing to trust them, that's why he wants his subordinate to fight. Well, I honestly don't see them winning against two Heroic Spirits. Plus, I doubt they would pass Saber's trial." I thought. I look at Archer and he answered, "Well, no point letting Saber have all the fun. Alright, kid. Let's see what you got." Archer made his two swords Kanshou and Bakuya appear. The boy named Asta opened his raggedy old book and another sword came out from it, one thinner then his giant one from before. "We'll, fight at the same time, that way both of you can judge us simultaneously." Yami stated. "Sounds good to me. No need to drag this out with one battle after the other." Archer agreed. Asta nodded. With that, a trial by had commenced.

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