Chapter 9: Calling Clover's Servants

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

After recruiting Yuno, we made our way to the Black Bulls base via Finral's magic, with Mimosa and my rival in tow. She said she wanted to help our team, and since Archer was fine, we decided to indulge her. Once we arrived at the base, we lead them to the living room, sat down and waited for Captain Yami and the others to bring Mereoleona. After an hour, the Captain Yami contacted Finral and told him to open a portal. He did and Captain Yami, Shirou, Saber, and Mereoleona all came through. "I see that you've gathered the others, so what do we do now?" Mereoleona asked. Archer replied, "My master is with the Wizard King right now. She just told me that they are making preparations for the remaining 5 masters to each summon their Servant. She'll let me know when everything is ready." Mereoleona said, "So, I take it that you are the Archer for our team?" Archer nodded. Yuno then asked a question that I've been curious about for a while, "So, how do we summon these Heroic Spirits? The magic in your world is different than ours, right? So, how does this work?" Everyone except Saber, Shirou, and Archer nodded. Archer explained, "Spells in this world can be used as naturally as breathing, but, aside from certain preparations, many spells and rituals in our world require a chant in order to be used. Chants are play a part in putting the mage in a state of mind that allows them to more effectively control the magic within them. Think of them as a way to strengthen your focus on the spell your casting. Now, as for the summon ritual the 5 of you are going to go through, normally require a relic to act a catalyst. A link must exist between the summoner and the spirit in order for the summoning to work, but since this is not our world, things will be different. This time, a catalyst will be provided by the heroic spirits being summoned." I asked, "So, we'll basically be summoning a Servant at random?" Archer replied, "Exactly, but I should remind you, Heroic Spirits were once people in their lifetime, meaning that whether or not they acknowledge you as their master will be for them to decide." Everyone was just remembered something so obvious, except me. I already knew we were talking about actually people being summoned.

As everyone else was mulling over what he just told us, Archer said, "Alright everyone. Rin just informed me that the preparations are complete. Finral open a portal, please." Finral nodded and opened a portal to the Wizard King's castle. We all went through and found ourselves in his office with Rin and the Wizard King. "Alright, now that you're all here, follow us, everything is set up in the ballroom." The Wizard King said. We followed them to the ballroom, where I first met Leo and fought Noelle's siblings. When we got there, we all five strange identical circular patterns drawn on the floor in the shape of a pentagram.

 When we got there, we all five strange identical circular patterns drawn on the floor in the shape of a pentagram

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"These are summoning circles used to call Heroic Spirits, in the material world. Now, each of the the five remaining masters, please stand in front of each circle." Rin said. Me, Noelle, Captain Yami, Yuno, and Mereoleona all took our positions in front of each circle. Rin said to Archer, "Archer, you know the chant for this particular summoning from the other day, so you walk them through the rest." Archer nodded and walked up and began instructing us, "Alright, now that everyone is in position, everyone raise your dominant hand in front of you and we'll begin the summoning chant." We raised our hands just like he told us, and continued.

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