Chapter 13: Witch meets Devils

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In Spade Kingdom

(No one's p.o.v.)

  Three people fell through a dimensional tear and land in the snow of Spade Kingdom. One was a woman wearing a bluish-purple robe that covers her face.

Another was a samurai with long, indigo hair in a ponytail, wearing a light purple hakama, kimono, haori, and a black zori

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Another was a samurai with long, indigo hair in a ponytail, wearing a light purple hakama, kimono, haori, and a black zori.

Another was a samurai with long, indigo hair in a ponytail, wearing a light purple hakama, kimono, haori, and a black zori

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The last one was a man with dark hair, wearing a dark green suit and glasses.

The last one was a man with dark hair, wearing a dark green suit and glasses

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They all fell and lost consciousness in the snow. While they were unconscious, something disturbing happened to the samurai. Something that couldn't be described, only the end result was clear. A figure wearing a black robe and a skull-like mask bursted out of the samurai's torso, cackling.

 A figure wearing a black robe and a skull-like mask bursted out of the samurai's torso, cackling

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It stepped away from the mutilated corpse and jumped away, disappearing. Some time later, the woman woke up and saw that the man in green was out cold and freezing. She panicked and used her magecraft to try and warm up the man. While she was doing that, a party of soldiers had stumbled across them. When the woman noticed, she stood up and prepared to defend herself and the man. "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" She warned the soldiers, then a man with short spiky black hair and two black marks running down and across his face stepped forward and said to the woman, "What are you doing here? You're not with the rebellion, are you?"

 "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" She warned the soldiers, then a man with short spiky black hair and two black marks running down and across his face stepped forward and said to the woman, "What are you doing here? You're not with the r...

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  The woman was confused, but she was still in edge and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about, but I couldn't care less. You stay away from me and my master, or I will kill you all where you stand!!!" The black haired man looked at the one she called her 'Master' and turned his attention back to her and said, "I'd like to hear your stories, come with us back to the castle and we can talk with my siblings." The woman still had her guard up because she couldn't yet trust him, but her master was freezing so she didn't have any other choice but to follow him. She made the man in green levitate so that she could carry him while trying to keep him warm. With that, she followed the soldiers to the castle their commander had mentioned before.

  Time skip

They had arrived inside the castle of Spade Kingdom's capital, the Black haired man turned to one of his soldiers and said, "Escort our guests to their quarters, make sure the man in green is warmed up and stays alive." The soldier replied, "Yes, Lord Zenon." The man now named Zenon turned to the woman and said, "I'll go speak with my siblings and we will meet you in your chambers. Until then, you may stay by your master's side and treat him." She nodded and the soldier lead her to the guest chambers.

  Time skip

(???? P.o.v.)

I had been tending to master Souichiro for the past 2 hours and he had just started to open his eyes. He looked at me and I said, "Master, thank goodness you're awake!" Souichiro asked, "Caster? Where are we?" I explained what I could to him and he replied, "I see. Well, I guess we'll learn more when these siblings come and talk to us. Right on cue, on knock on the door was heard and the door opened to reveal 4 siblings, three brothers and a sister. The brother wearing a crown said, "Welcome to Spade Kingdom, I'm Dante Zogratis. These are my siblings, Lucius, Vanica, and the lady in the hood is already acquainted with Zenon. And you two are?" We introduced ourselves, "I'm Souichiro Kuzuki." "You may call me Caster." Zenon asked, "How did you two end up in the middle of that forest?" I explained that me and Souichiro are from another world, where the existence of mages are secret from the general public about the Holy Grail War we about to join. They didn't seem skeptical about our story, in fact they seemed intrigued by it. The man named Lucius said, "We believe your story. After all, devils from the underworld exist, so why wouldn't other worlds exist." Vanica agreed by saying, "Yeah, also I wish this Holy Grail War thing would happen in our world. I would love to fight heroes from another world." I replied to Vanica, "Your wish may be granted, Lady Vanica." The siblings looked confused by my statement and I explained, "While waiting for you to arrive, the Grail had implanted information into my mind. It seems that the Grail War will be held in this world, but on a much larger scale. The Kingdoms of Clover, Spade, Heart, and Diamond will each have a team of 7 Masters and 7 Servants and fight each other until the last servant remains standing. The name given to this conflict is the Grand Holy Grail War." They all were very interested as well as ecstatic about the opportunity to participate in the Grail War. Dante stated, "We would like to participate in this War, sounds like it will be fun!" I saw that they were all ecstatic about it, and I said, "Well, it will take some time to prepare the summoning ritual, but I will have everything ready. However, you will need to choose the last master for the Spade faction." Lucius replied, "I believe we know the perfect candidate. I'll talk to him while you get everything ready, Caster." I nodded and the siblings left. Then, one thought came to my mind, 'Wait, now that I think about, where's Assassin? He should have been brought to this world with me and Souichiro. What's more is that it appears that my pact with him has been severed somehow. Just what happened while we were unconscious?'

  (Dante's p.o.v.)

  Me and my siblings were walking to the lab of our potential recruit, Morris Libardirt. While we were walking, My devil partner, Lucifero said, "Why did you agree to participate in this 'War', Dante? Surely you don't really intend to put off on the plan to create the Tree of Qliphoth just so you can have a good time?" I replied, "You misunderstand Lucifero, we're not putting off the plan to let you and the other devils mainly to have some fun in this battle. In fact, this Grail War could be more beneficial to both you and my family." He was confused and asked, "What do you mean?" I explained, "Caster said that the Holy Grail has the power to grant any wish, correct? If that's the case, then why would we use the Qliphoth Advent Ritual, which takes a full week to complete, when we could simply open all the underworld gates immediately with a single wish?" Lucifero replied, "I see, that would be more effective, and at the same time you and your siblings will have the chance to fight heroes from another world. It is indeed mutually beneficial." The two of us laughed in my mind as we made our way to Morris' lab.

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